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Entering Additional Pay in HRS


This procedure documents the steps for entering additional pay/lump sum payments for an employee on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page. This process can be used for one-time payments, ongoing payments, or to record compensation data for employee jobs that are paid but do not record compensation data on the job record. The latter is most prevalent for employees that are paid on a lump sum basis. Additional pay records can be entered for both active and inactive employees.

Process Considerations:

  • It is highly recommended that the additional pay record be submitted and fully approved prior to paysheet creation of the payroll on which the record is to pay.
  • If entering a multi-pay period payment that includes the current pay period, the request must be fully approved prior to paysheets being created (first prelim calc) or the current pay period will not be paid.
  • Additional pay requests submitted for a previous pay period and additional pay requests for the current period that are approved after paysheets are created will load directly to paylines.
  • When entering additional pay requests for previous pay periods, use the effective date for the pay period the payment was owed for. Each previous pay period must be entered and submitted as a separate request.
  • Payments should not be entered after close of any business day as several payroll processes are run on a nightly basis
  • If additional pay is being added for an employee for Faculty Sabbatical leave, please refer to KB Entering a Faculty Sabbatical in HRS for detailed instructions on how to enter the additional pay record in this situation.
  • If the additional pay should be funded differently than the employee's regular earnings, you'll need to update the funding on the Funding Data Entry page. For detailed instructions, refer to KB Designate Funding for Payroll Earnings Code Differently Than Regular Pay in HRS
  • There is a job that runs once per payroll calculation week that will swap the earnings code entered in Additional Pay for a non-Unemployment Insurance or Income Code earnings code if appropriate.  This may change the earnings code you ultimately see in Review Paycheck.  If this does occur, the goal balance field in Additional Pay will not update as it should, which could cause an overpayment to the employee.  The Service Center monitors for these scenarios and updates the goal balance field accordingly.
  • Regular wages or retroactive payments on regular wages should not be entered in additional pay.
  • It is recommended that End Dates be placed on additional pay records.  However, in the case where the employee's first and last day of work is the first day of the pay period, it is recommended to not enter an end date on the record.  Records that load to the Create Additional Pay page and have an end date equal to the first day of the employee's pay period will never load to a paycheck.
  • All lump sum payments to employees must go through the new approval workflow process.  The new Workflow Addl Pay Create page can process payments for both active and inactive employees.  The Service Center will no longer be accepting payline requests for lump sum payments as they must be entered on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page.  Additionally, payments made under lump sum earnings codes will not be able to be added to the UW Payline Adjustment Page.
  • A mass upload process exists in which a template can be filled out and uploaded into the Workflow Addl Pay Create Page.  See KB Running the Additional Pay Mass Upload Process in HRS for more information on that process.
    For information on steps to take when modifying existing additional pay entries see the Correct/Modify existing Additional Pay requests.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Entering a New Additional Pay Record for an Employee

  1. Navigation: Payroll for North America > Employee Pay Data USA > Workflow Addl Pay Create
  2. Click the Add a New Value tab.

    • Empl ID - You can enter an additional pay record for both active and inactive employees.
    • Empl Record;
    • Earnings Code;
      Only lump sum Earnings Codes that match the employee type will appear in the lookup list. Refer to the Earnings Code Job Aid and the Lump Sum Earnings Code Tip Sheet in the Additional Resources section below for a list of appropriate additional pay earnings codes and whether they are included in the FLSA OT rate calculation.
    • Effective Date - This date defaults to today's date.  Update it to correspond to the begin date of the pay period in which the payment was actually earned.  This can be in a prior, current or future pay period.  Refer to the UW Payroll Calendar for pay period begin dates.
      NOTE: If the Empl Rcd is a new appointment and the employee was hired in the middle of that pay period, enter the effective date equal to their date of hire.Enter:

      Add a New Value Replace
  3. Click the Add button.
  4. You will be taken to the Additional Pay entry page, and the Empl ID, Empl Record, Earnings Code, and Effective Date information you entered on the previous page will be brought in.  Enter the appropriate information for the lump sum payment in the fields below:

    Workflow Addl Pay Create page
  • Addl Seq Nbr: Enter a 1 in this field
    • Note on Sequence Numbers: For the most part, you should use "1" in the Add'l Seq # field for any new Additional Pay record you add.  The only reason you would need to use a different sequence number would be if you need to pay the employee multiple payments using the same earnings code on the same payroll.  See the instructions in the "Paying More Than One Payment Concurrently on the Same Earnings Code" section below for how to do this.  If there are multiple concurrently active Additional Pay records using different earnings codes, each effective dated entry can use "1" for the sequence number.
  • End Date: (Optional) Enter an end date for the payment.  The best practice is to use an end date that is equivalent to the last day of the pay period in which the last payment should occur.
  • Earnings: Enter the dollar amount to be paid to the employee each pay period
  • Goal Amount: Enter the total dollar amount you want to pay the employee.
    • For example, a one time payment of $100 is accomplished using a matching Earnings and Goal Amount. If 5 equal payments of $100 were the result being sought, the Earnings should be entered as $100.00 and the Goal Amount should be entered as $500.00.
    • Note: It is best practice to enter a goal amount for both one-time and multi-period payments alike.  If no goal amount is entered, the nightly load job will consider the payment to be multi-period, even if it is not, and will load the payment to the Create Additional Pay page.  If this occurs after paysheets are created, it is possible that the payment will not pay on the intended paycheck.
    • Note: If content is entered in both the Goal Amount and the End Date fields, the payments will stop at whichever occurs first
  • OK to Pay: This field will default to checked, indicating the payment should pay on the employee's on-cycle check.  If you are entering a record that will stop a payment, you will need to uncheck this box.
  • Applies to Pay Periods: Validate the applicable check boxes are checked, "First", "Second", and "Third" boxes correspond to the A, B, and C payroll designations, respectively.
  • Sep Check Nbr: (Optional) The only time you would need to update this field is if you need the lump sum to be paid on a separate calculated check from the employee's regular earnings.  If you want to pay the lump sum in a separate payment, enter a 1 in this field.
    • Note: Creating a separate check does not mean a paper check will be created for the additional pay record.  If the employee has direct deposit set up, two separate payments will be created, but both will go direct deposit.
  • Description: Enter comments regarding this payment.  Approvers will be able to view these comments when approving the payment.  This is a free form field and is required to submit the additional pay record.
6.  Click the Submit button.
7.  The submitted record will now update to a Workflow Status of "Submitted" and a Workflow Approval ID will be assigned to the record.  Each additional pay entry will have a unique Workflow Approval ID.
8.  Additionally, the approver workflow will now appear at the bottom of the page showing the assigned approvers at each level and the status of each approval.
Submitted Entry

Paying More Than One Payment Concurrently on the Same Earnings Code

  1. If necessary, multiple payments using the same earnings code can be paid on the same payroll.  After adding the first payment, and before submitting, add a new row for the second payment by clicking the plus button within the "Payment Details" section.  This will add a new blank row within the same effective date on which to add the second payment.

  2. Fill out the Earnings, Goal Amount, End Date (if applicable), OK to Pay, and Applies to Pay Period fields with the appropriate values.

  3. You will also need to fill out the Addl Seq # field.  For multiple payments to pay concurrently on the same paycheck (using the same earnings code), the Addl Seq # on each of the records must be different.  In the example below, the first payment uses Addl Seq# 1 and the second payment uses Addl Seq # 2.  This allows both the $100 and $700 payments to pay on the same paycheck.

    Adding a Second Record on the Same Earnings Code

  4. Click the Submit button when you have finished your entry.

Stopping an Active Additional Pay Record

NOTE: The method of ending an additional pay record described below only works if the payment that should be stopped is present on the Create Additional Pay page.  If an additional pay payment needs to be stopped, but it loaded directly to the employee's payline from the Workflow Addl Pay Create page, this method will not be effective.  In a case where the payment loaded directly to the employee's payline and needs to be removed, contact the Service Center to remove it.
  1. To terminate an active, on-going Additional Pay record (one that has not yet met its goal amount or end date) that is present on the delivered Create Additional Pay page, enter a new "stopping" record on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page.
  2. The "stopping" record should have the same Earnings Code and Addl Seq Nbr as the active record.
  3. Update the Effective Date and End Date fields on the new row to reflect the first day of the pay period in which the payment should end.  In the example below, the add'l pay is being terminated prior to the 8M payroll.  To make sure the additional pay does not pay on 8M, the Effective Date and End Date fields on the "stopping" entry are filled in with 8/1/18 (the first day of the 8M pay period).
  4. Leave the Earnings and Goal Amount fields blank.
  5. Uncheck the OK to Pay checkbox.  Doing so allows the "stopping" entry to bypass the approval workflow and load to the delivered Create Additional Pay page and stop the existing payment.
  6. Click the Submit button.  The status of the "stopping" entry automatically goes to "Approved."
  • Example: This is how the existing record appears on the delivered Create Additional Pay page

    Original Entry

This is the "stopping" entry on the custom Workflow Addl Pay Create page that will load to delivered Create Additional Pay:

Stopping Entry

Creating a Record for Add-on Pay

  1. Employees may be eligible for add-on pay based on their position or certifications they have.  Add-on earnings codes are configured at a flat rate per hour and will multiply that rate by the total number of hours an employee works in a given period to calculate the amount to pay.  Thus, when entering an add-on record in Additional Pay, only the Earnings Code, Effective Date, Addl Seq #, OK to Pay, and Applies to Pay Periods fields need to be filled out.  No values should be entered in the Earnings and Goal Amount fields.
  • Note: Any addl pay record that uses an earnings code beginning with 'A' will load directly to the Create Additional Pay page even if it is retroactively dated or approved after paysheets are created.  Entry of retroactively dated add-ons is not recommended, but if necessary, you will need to contact the Service Center to get help in paying the retroactive part of the payment as the add-on will only pay from the current pay period forward once it loads to Create Additional Pay.  Additionally, it is not recommended to put an End Date on an add-on record, especially if it's a one-time payment, in case it's not approved prior to paysheet create.  This way if it does not pay on the intended payroll, it will still pay on the next one and not be stopped by the end date.
Entering Add-On Pay

Additional Information About the Workflow for Additional Pay Process

Page Edits on the Workflow Addl Pay Create page:

The Workflow Addl Pay Create page has several page edits built into it that prevent the entry of certain types of data.  Below is a list of the main page edits built into this page:
  • You may enter an addl pay record for active and inactive employees.  However, the Effective Date and End Date must fall within a time period in which the employee is active on Job Data.  Otherwise you will not be able to submit the entry.
  • If the entry is a one-time payment (Earnings amount matches Goal Amount) but the Effective Date and End Date span more than one pay period, you will not be able to submit the entry.
  • If the entry is a multi-period payment (Earnings amount does not match Goal Amount) but the Effective Date and End Date fall within the same pay period, you will not be able to submit the entry.
  • If you are entering a record with earnings code USB, you must enter an End Date and Hours amount or you will not be able to submit the entry.  Upon submitting, USB records will automatically be put into "approved" status.
  • If the End Date is prior to the Effective Date, you will not be able to submit the entry.
  • If the Goal Amount is less than the Earnings amount, you will not be able to submit the entry.

Post-Approval Load Job:

Each night, Thursday through Wednesday, and during the final calc processing on Thursday, a job will run that will load fully approved additional pay records to either the delivered Create Additional Pay page or directly to the employee's payline.
  • If the Effective Date is in the employee's current pay period, and paysheets have not yet been created for that payroll, the record will load to the delivered Create Additional Pay page.
  • If the Effective Date is in the employee's current pay period, and paysheets have been created for that payroll, the record will load directly to the employee's payline (it will never be visible on the Create Additional Pay page.)
  • If the Effective Date is future dated, the record will load to the delivered Create Additional Pay page.
  • If the record is for a multi-period payment (Earnings amount does not match Goal Amount), the record will load to the delivered Create Additional Pay page.  The process will also recognize a record with a flat amount and no goal amount as a multi-period payment (regardless of effective/end dates entered) and will load it to the Create Additional Pay page.
  • If the record is for an add-on (earnings code begins with 'A'), the record will load to the delivered Create Additional Pay page.
  • If the Effective Date falls in a previous pay period, the record will load directly to the employee's payline when the next payroll for that employee type is open (it will never be visible on the Create Additional Pay page.)

Tracking Entries Through Workflow:

As the entry moves through workflow, different statuses will appear for the transaction.  Below is a listing of what each of them mean.
  • Submitted:  You have just submitted this transaction, it will be routed to the approvers momentarily.
  • In Approval Process:  The transaction requires approvals.  To see who the approval is currently pending with you may click on the "Multiple Approvers" link of the box that is currently listed as pending.
  • Denied:  This transaction was denied and is now editable again.  If you think that this transaction can be corrected, you may do so and then submit it again.  If you do not think this transaction needs further action, you can leave it in the denied status.
  • Approved:  This transaction was approved at all levels that were identified for this earnings code / department id combination.  You should see this transaction load to the appropriate page based upon the post-approval load section above.
  • Loaded:  This transaction has been loaded to the appropriate page.  If it was loaded to delivered additional pay, you should see a link which will take you to that employee id / employee record's addl pay page.
  • Manually Handled:  This transaction had some action taken on it by a UWSS Service Operations employee.  This is most likely due to a request that you submitted.
If you ever see "Error Step" in the Workflow section of the page, this is likely due to the fact that all Level 2 approvers are no longer active.  In this scenario, you will need to contact your campus's designated maintainer of the approver table to update Level 2 with active approvers.  Then contact the Service Center to get the record denied so that it can be resubmitted with the correct approver chain.

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

    KeywordsAdd'l pay additional pay earnings lump sum payments uniform allowance shoe allowance earnings code earn code earning code earnings codes addl WiscIt Wisc It add-on award workflow approve PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll   Doc ID17094
    OwnerMelanie K.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2011-02-27 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:48:05
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  1   0