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Maintain Telework Data in HRS


The Telework functionality in HRS can be used to track jobs, positions and workers that are allowed to work remotely. It allows tracking remote worker status by Job/employee record, in the event that employees with multiple jobs are eligible to work remotely in one job but not the other(s).

Process Considerations:

  • You may use the Telework features to do the following:
    • Capture the start date and end date of when employees will be working remotely
    • Track part-time remote work, including the number of days per week and average days per month
    • Capture an employee's actual remote work location and address. Multiple locations may be tracked if necessary
    • Identify if remote work is a result of a temporary or permanent disability
    • Capture any formal remote work agreement in place between the organization, manager and employee
    • Define specific job codes, positions and/or locations that qualify for remote work
  • A new row is required for each calendar year, typically with yearly review of telework agreement
  • Security to Add/Update is given to UW_UNV_HR_ADMINISTRATOR role
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Instructions for Maintaining Telework information for employee

1. Navigation:  Workforce Administration > Job Information > Maintain Teleworkers
2. Search for records already present on the Find an Existing Value tab, or click Add a New Value tab to record a new remote work arrangement for an employee
Find an Existing Value

a. Enter Empl ID and Empl Record OR search by Name

b. Click Search
Search button
c. If no data is found, you will receive the message "No matching values were found"

Add a New Value

a. Empl ID and Empl Record are both required

b. Click Add to create the new record
Add a New Value tab
c. Three tabs will appear when creating a new record: Telework Status, Location, Agreement
Telework Status
Telework Status tab
Job Eligible for Telework and Position Eligible for Telework checkboxes need to be checked on Job Code and Position set-up pages, respectively, in order for them to be checked on Maintain Telework page. If the fields are grayed-out, the Position can be updated using KB Managing Position Data in HRS. Job Code changes are made centrally and can be requested by contacting UW-Shared Services. Note: The UW is not currently utilizing the Available for Telework field on Job Codes.
Check boxes
Start Date - Enter the date the telework arrangement begins
End Date - Enter the date the telework arrangement is anticipated to end; no end date implies the arrangement is on-going
Recurring Days/Week - Enter the anticipated days per week the teleworker works remotely; maximum is 7
Average Days/Month - Enter the anticipated days per month the teleworker works remotely; maximum is 31
Telework Details section
Complete the Location tab by choosing one of the three options under Worksite
  • Home - Pulls in the employee's home address from Modify a Person page 
  • Other - Allows you to manually enter a specific Address by clicking Edit Address; address does not save to Modify a Person
  • Telework Location - Allows a Telework Location to be utilized; Telework Locations are only available if the location is specified as a valid telework location in the Location Table; Location changes are made centrally and can be requested by contacting UW-Shared Services. Note: The UW is not currently utilizing the Telework Location field on Locations.
Location tab
Select Telework Agreement is in place if an agreement has been reached.
Agreement Date: Enter the date in which the agreement had been reached.
Choose the Telework Agreement Status appropriate to the situation:
  • Approved: A value in the Reason field is not required 
  • Denied:
    • Handles secure materials
    • Perform on-site activities
    • Other
  • Terminated by Employee
    • Change in work assignments
    • Other
  • Terminated by Manager
    • Change in work assignments
    • Other
Telework Agreement Approval
7.  After all data has been entered, click Save

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Keywordstelework, remote, telecommute, teleworking, telecommuting, remotely, agreement, teleworkers, schedule, location, equipment, approved, denied, disability   Doc ID106483
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2020-10-08 10:03:00Updated2024-05-14 10:49:16
SitesUW–Shared Services
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