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Initiating Sexual Harassment Reference Checks and Criminal Background Checks for Direct Hires


How to initiate a Sexual Harassment Reference Check (SHRC) and Criminal Background Check (CBC) for applicants who are not hired through TAM (Talent Acquisition Manager) at campuses that utilize TAM.

Process Considerations:

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Initiate Sexual Harassment Reference Check

  1. Navigate to BP Logix > SHRC Campus View dashboard.
  2. Click New SHRC Form link in the upper left.
  3. Select the Campus from the drop down.
  4. Enter the applicant's First and Last Name.
  5. Enter the applicant's Email Address.
  6. Click Submit.
  7. An email is sent to the applicant to begin the SHRC process.

Resubmit an Expired SHRC Request

NOTE: If an applicant doesn't complete the SHRC request within 5 business days the request will expire and the form is no longer accessible. An expired request can be resubmitted or cancelled.

  1. Access the request using the link in the email sent to the requestor or from the Tasks section on the BP Logix dashboard.
  2. Click
    • Restart-Send to Applicant to send a new email and restart the completion deadline.
    • Cancel SHRC to terminate the request.

Sexual Harassment Reference Check Dashboard

  • The dashboard is broken up into three different sections:
    • SHRC Tasks - Institution forms that require additional attention and are assigned to you.
    • SHRC Campus Active Process Forms - Institution forms that are in process but not yet completed or cancelled.
    • SHRC Campus All Forms - All institution forms including those in progress, completed and cancelled.
      NOTE: The filters at the top of this section can be used to limit results shown.
  • SHRC Status
    • Submitted - the form was manually entered and waiting for UWSS verification prior sending the email to the applicant.
    • Applicant Consent - applicant was contacted but no reply, yet.
    • Applicant Replied - applicant has completed the form and indicated a private employer, email verification must occur at UWSS prior to the email being sent.
    • Current/Previous Employer - applicant has completed the form and indicated a private employer, email verification must occur at UWSS prior to the email being sent.
    • Complete - form has gone through completion (current/previous employer either replied or the request for them has expired).
    • Cancelled - form was cancelled by institution after applicant did not reply within 5 business days.
    • Needs Review - a 'yes' was answered to one of the SHRC questions. The institution reviewer has been contacted to review and make final decision.
      NOTE: Forms in this status will appear in the SHRC Task items section for institution reviewers.
    • Applicant Expired - an applicant failed to respond within five business days and institution has been contacted to request continued attempts or cancel request.
      NOTE: Forms in this status will appear in the SHRC Task items section.

Initiate Criminal Background Check

  1. Navigate to HireRight.
  2. Click New Order.
  3. Select the correct Campus User group.
  4. Review the shown job location, if it does not show the location of the main campus, click Select and select the Institution.
    NOTE: If the correct location is not available on the list, contact Shared Services do not add locations yourself.
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select the Package from the Select Packages drop down list.
    NOTE: The most common package is 1 - Regents Standard Package, but all packages are compliant per the UW Policy.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Define Order page, click the radio button for Email applicant information.
    NOTE: To enter information on behalf of the employee, click the Complete background forms myself radio button and enter the applicant's information on the next screen.
  9. Enter the Applicant Information (First Name, Last Name, Email address).
  10. Enter the Campus.
  11. Enter the Department.
    NOTE: Department field is free text and can be identified based upon the institution's preference.
  12. Enter the Funding (optional) to further identify institution funding.
    NOTE: Empl ID, Empl Record number and profile sequence should not be entered.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Invitation Sent! message will appear, and an email is sent to the applicant.

Resubmit an Expired CBC Request

NOTE: If an applicant doesn't complete the CBC request within 5 business days the request will expire and the form is no longer accessible. An expired request can be resubmitted or cancelled.
  1. Access the Screening Manager dashboard in HireRight.
  2. Right click on the request.
  3. Click
    • Resend to send a new email and restart the completion deadline.
    • Cancel to terminate the request.

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KeywordsHireRight, CBC, SHRC, BP Logix   Doc ID104330
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2020-07-24 11:32:13Updated2024-05-14 10:49:16
SitesUW–Shared Services
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