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Running the Sexual Harassment Reference Check Compliance Query in HRS


How to run the UW_HR_HIRE_SHRC_STATUS Query Report to check the completion of Sexual Harassment Reference Checks for required employee types who are hired, rehired, and transferred. The query can be used as a tool to check for compliance for UW Administrative Policy 1275.

Process Considerations:

  • For this query, recent hires are compared to employees who are manually entered in the Person Assignment Checklist with a SHRC completion date or employees automatically entered when using the Prepare for Hire > Manage Hires process.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Navigate to Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer.

  2. Enter the Query Name UW_HR_HIRE_SHRC_STATUS in the "begins with" field

  3. Click on the "Search" button

  4. Click on the Run to HTML link or the Run To Excel link

  5. Enter values into Business Unit, DeptID (optional) and a range of dates in From Hire Date and To Hire Date.

    Query Parameters

  6. Click on View results.


  7. The Action Descr and Eff Dt columns indicate the type of hire and the effective start date of the hire, respectively.

  8. The SHRC Status Date column indicates the date of the completed Sexual Harassment Reference Check.

  9. The SHRC Status column indicates the status of the Sexual Harassment Reference Check with either In Progress or Completed listed.

  10. If the last three columns are blank, then a reference check has not been requested and completed for that particular hire. Depending on the employee type, a Sexual Harassment Reference Check may need to be requested retroactively in order to be in compliance with UW Administrative Policy 1275. Please contact UW Shared Services (and submit a ticket) for next steps on retroactive SHRC Request.

  11. Missing SHRC dates on the query are also the result of initiating the SHRC request directly in BP Logix and not manually adding the completion date in HRS in the Person Assignment Checklist. For the SHRC completion date to be automatically entered in HRS, the SHRC request must have been done through the Applicant Checklist and the hire through Manage Hires.

  12. Some institutions request SHRCs for non-required employee types, so all employee types are included in the query. If the query is downloaded in Excel, it may be sorted by Empl Class to aid in identifying the employees who are required to have the Sexual Harassment Reference Check.

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KeywordsUW_HR_HIRE_SHRC_STATUS Query, SHRC, Sexual Harassment Reference Check   Doc ID104311
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2020-07-24 07:54:37Updated2024-05-14 10:56:56
SitesUW–Shared Services
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