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Viewing and Printing Application Attachment Features in TAM


The View/Print Attachment feature enables TAM end users to see a candidate’s application, answers to screening questions and additional attachments in a single PDF document. Only the applications for which the TAM user is associated will be available. The instructions in this KB will explain the steps using the Manage Job Opening Page.

Process Considerations:

  • Information selected/available to print or save, will be offered through a pop-up window or a new tab in your computer’s browser. Make sure that your pop-up blocker is turned off for this page, see KB Updating Internet Settings to Allow Opening of Attachments and File Downloads to 'Generate' Letter Templates for TAM
  • The View/Print Attachment feature is available wherever the Print Icon appears in the tool bar or grid rows of the following pages.
    • Manage Applicant Page
    • Manage Application Page
    • Application Details Page
    • Manage Job Opening Page
    • Search Applications Page (Recruiter security roles only)
    • Recruiting Home Page (Recruiter & Hiring Manager roles)
  • Attachment order when printed:
    • Resume
    • References
    • Cover Letter
    • Transcripts
    • Other
  • When printing multiple applications to one PDF file, be advised that any attachments that cannot be converted to PDF format, such as video attachments, will not be included in the resulting PDF file.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Printing a Single Applicant's Application Information

    1. Navigate to the Manage Job Opening Page: Main Menu → Recruiting → Search Job Openings. Search and select the desired Job Opening.
    2. Click on the Print icon in the row of the applicant you would like to print application information for. This will open the Application Report Options page.
      TAM print
    3. Select the items you would like to view/print from the Application Detail, Questionnaire Type and Attachment type sections by clicking on the checkbox next to the item you’d like to view/print.
    • Use the Select All link at the bottom of each section to select all of the items from that section.
      • Utilize the Deselect All link at the bottom of each section to deselect all of the items you previously selected.
    • In Attachment Type section, leave Print Latest Document unchecked. If an application includes more than one attachment of the same type, checking the boxes restricts printing to the most recently uploaded file. i.e. if multiple transcripts are attached, only the last one uploaded will be included. The check box is selected and disabled for Resume attachments because only one resume attachment is allowed per application.
      NOTE: Attachments without an Attachment Type designation in the application will not pull into the generated PDF.

      (Background: Applicants must choose an attachment type when they are completing the online application. But when a UW TAM user adds an attachment later and an Attachment Type is not selected, then the system does not recognize it for the PDF. To correct, use Edit Application Details to add an Attachment Type. i.e. Cover Letter, Reference, Transcripts, Other)
      no attachment type
    • Separator pages are inserted before each attachment to indicate the attachment type. i.e. Resume, Cover Letter, etc. Check the Exclude Separator Pages checkbox to suppress the separator pages from the PDF.
    • Select the Exclude sections with no content available checkbox to avoid having blank sections in the report.
    • Select the Save My Selections checkbox to have the feature print the same material in the next report.
      application report options
  • Click the Generate Report button to print the applicant’s information.
    generate report
  • A new tab or window will open with the new PDF that can be viewed, saved or printed.

Printing Multiple Applicants' Application Information

    1. Navigate to the Manage Job Opening Page: Main Menu → Recruiting → Search Job Openings. Search and select the desired Job Opening.
      • Select the Job Opening whose candidate information you would like view or print by clicking on the hyperlink for the Job Opening.
      • The Manage Job Openings page lists the applicants who have applied for a specific job.
    2. Select the applicants whose information you want to view/print by clicking the Select check boxes in the row next to their names.

    3. Select the Group Actions drop-down menu, then → Recruiting Actions → Print Application Details to open the Print Applications page.
      print multiples

      print multiples 2
    4. Select the items you would like to view/print from the Application Detail, Questionnaire Type and Attachment type sections by clicking on the checkbox next to the items you’d like to view/print.

    5. Use the Select All link at the bottom of each section to select all of the items from that section.
    6. Utilize the Deselect All link at the bottom of each section to deselect all of the items you previously selected.
    7. In Attachment Type section, leave Print Latest Document unchecked. If an application includes more than one attachment of the same type, checking the boxes restricts printing to the most recently uploaded file. i.e. if multiple transcripts are attached, only the last one uploaded will be included. The check box is selected and disabled for Resume attachments because only one resume attachment is allowed per application.

      NOTE Attachments without an Attachment Type designation in the application will not pull into the generated PDF. (Background: Applicants must choose an attachment type when they are completing the online application. But when a UW TAM user adds an attachment later and an Attachment Type is not selected, then the system does not recognize it for the PDF. To correct, use Edit Application Details to add an Attachment Type. i.e. Cover Letter, Reference, Transcripts, Other)

      NOTE:   Names with a (.) will be eliminated from the report. For instance: St. Claire. To have them included in the report go to Applicant Data and edit the name to exclude the (.)

      print applications
    8. Format the report
    9. Select the Exclude sections with no content available checkbox to suppress empty sections of the application from the output. If left unchecked, the report prints headers and an explanatory message for all of the empty sections. Use this checkbox in conjunction with the Select All links to efficiently exclude empty sections without having to manually select the individual sections with data.
    10. Selecting the Generate one PDF report per application checkbox will create separate PDF files for each application. If left unchecked, the system creates a single PDF file with all included applications.
    11. Separator pages are inserted before each attachment to indicate the attachment type. i.e. Resume, Cover Letter, etc. Check the Exclude Separator Pages checkbox to suppress the separator pages from the PDF.
      exclude pages
    12. Generate the Report by clicking the Run Button at the top of the page. A new browser window or tab will open.
      print run
    13. Click the OK button on the Process Scheduler Request pop up window.
    14. When returned to the Print Applications page, click on the Report Monitor link.
      report monitor
    15. Click the Refresh button until the Report List indicates (takes multiple refreshes):

      The Process Instance with the Date/Time generated
      The Status of Posted
      The Application Details hyperlink appears in the Description column

    16. To open the PDF Report:

      Click the Application Details link in the Description Column
      Click on Applications_Report_xx-xx-xxxx_xxxxxxx.pdf file in the File List, Name column

      application details
    17. The PDF will open in a separate tab or window for viewing.

Keywords TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID77711
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2017-10-30 11:08:04Updated2024-05-14 10:57:28
SitesUW–Shared Services
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