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Processing the Annual Sick Leave Swap Report
Income Continuation Insurance (ICI) premiums for University Staff employees are based on the amount of sick leave hours that you have accumulated at the end of the last full pay period of the year and your annual salary. The more sick leave hours you retain, the lower your premium. Sick leave balances and your annual salary are evaluated at the end of every calendar year and premiums are adjusted effective April 1st of the following year. University Staff Temporary employees will always be in Premium Category 1 since they do not earn sick leave. This KB describes how to read the ICI Annual Sick Leave Swap Report and provides links to Absence Management KB's for facilitating sick leave swap for University Staff employees who request the exchange.Process Considerations:
- University Staff employees who are close to moving to a Permanent Plateau or Category 3 may choose to swap sick leave used during the year for other qualified paid leave to achieve the premium plateau. For more information on the ICI plan, premium plateaus, and potential enrollment opportunities, please visit the UW System Employee Benefits website page. For more information regarding the Annual ICI Process, please visit the UW Shared Services ICI Annual Update website page.
A report will be provided to the Institutions in December of each year providing a list of all University Staff employees, their sick leave balances, projected sick leave balances for the year, and current ICI category (if applicable) so that they may counsel their employees regarding the swap of Sick Leave and/or any enrollment opportunities.
- Sick Leave Swaps must be submitted by employees to their Administrators by the deadline listed on the UWSC ICI Annual Update website page.
- Institutions must enter Sick Leave Swaps by the deadline listed on the UW Shared Services ICI Annual Update website page.
- Hours exchanged (including floating holidays) must be for dates between the dates provided annually by ETF. Institutions will be notified in advance what dates must be used each year.
- The report provides a projected sick leave Year to Date balance as of the December B payroll and cannot take into consideration usage of Sick Leave since the report was run, nor can it account for FTE not worked after the November B payroll has confirmed. Institutions should counsel employees accordingly.
- The report will NOT combine Sick Leave Balances across multiple Employee Records. Institutions with employees who work across multiple departments or multiple campuses will need to coordinate efforts to ensure the data is combined and the employee is appropriately counseled on their options.
ICI Annual Sick Leave Swap Report
The report will be provided in an Excel spreadsheet format for ease of sorting and filtering. The report will contain the following fields:
ICI Annual Sick Leave Swap Report FIELD NAME DESCRIPTION Business Unit Institution Business Unit Code DeptID Department ID number EMPLID Unique Employee ID number Name First Name, Last Name of employee Current ICI Election Current ICI Category will be shown. A blank field indicates the employee is not currently enrolled FTE Full Time Equivalent for that Employee Record Remaining Payrolls The number of payrolls remaining for the Sick Leave Year Prior Year 13A Ern-Use Sick Leave Earned less Used during the 13A Period Current YTD SL Earned - Used Actual Year-to-Date (YTD) Sick Leave Balance as of the November B confirm for this Employee Current Year SL Balance Actual Life-to-Date (LTD) Sick Leave Balance as of the November B confirm for this Employee Projected SL Earns Projected Sick Leave Earned based on FTE and "Remaining Payrolls" Projected SL YTD Earned - Used Projected Sick Leave Year-to-Date (YTD) Balance based on "Current Year SL Balance", "Projected SL Earns" and assuming no additional usage Amt Needed for Cat 3 Projected Sick Leave amount needed to qualify for Category 3 based on FTE, "Projected SL YTD Earned - Used" and assuming no additional usage Projected SL Balance Projected Sick Leave Life-to-Date (LTD) based on "Projected SL Earns" and assuming no additional usage Current Year SL Takes Sick Leave used as of November B confirm Personal Holiday Balance Personal Holiday Balance as of November B confirm for this Employee Vacation Balance Vacation Balance as of November B confirm for this Employee Max Possible Swap Amount Projected Leave available to swap for Used Sick Leave
A sample report is shown below:
Sorting and Filtering Results
1. Institutions are encouraged to filter the results to identify groups of employees who may benefit from counseling regarding ability to move to a different ICI Category based on a Sick Leave swap. (Please note: an employee can only swap Sick Leave for other qualified paid time off if they have used Sick Leave earned during one or more pay periods paid in current year.)Recommended filters include:
- Employees in Category 5 who have a current YTD Sick Leave Balance close to 1040 hours. (May be able to move to Category 6)
- Employees in Category 4 who have a current YTD Sick Leave Balance close to 728 hours. (May be able to move to Category 5)
- Employees in Category 2 who have a current YTD Sick Leave Balance close to 520 hours. (May be able to move to Category 4)
- Employees in Category 1 who have a current YTD Sick Leave Balance close to 184 hours. (May be able to move to Category 2)
- Employees currently in Category 3, filter to ensure the employee has earned and maintained 80 hours in the current year. The 80 hours earned is based on an FTE of 1.0. If the employee has a different FTE, please use the higher of the following formulas:
80 X number of hours of Sick Leave earned annually divided by 130
80 X percentage of full-time appointment
2. Institutions should also filter the results of the Report to identify employees who are not currently covered by the Income Continuation Insurance Plan (Category column is blank) who may potentially reach a Plateau for the first time by swapping Sick Leave. These individuals should be counseled on their potential deferred enrollment opportunities (The notification of enrollment opportunities will be provided in mid-January). (Institutions are responsible for verifying that the employee has never been eligible for a deferred enrollment into ICI previously for Categories 3, 4, and 5.)
Recommended filters include:
- Employees with a blank in the Category column who have a projected YTD Sick Leave Balance at or near 1040 hours (Category 6)
- Employees with a blank in the Category column who have a projected YTD Sick Leave Balance at or near 728 hours (Category 5)
- Employees with a blank in the Category column who have a projected YTD Sick Leave Balance at or near 520 hours (Category 4)
3. Institutions should also filter the results of the Report to identify employees who are not currently covered by the Income Continuation Insurance Plan who earn and keep 80 hours in a calendar year and are qualifying for Category 3 for the first time. (Institutions are responsible for verifying that the employee has never been enrolled in ICI previously.)
Recommended filters for Category 3 include:
- Employees with a blank in the Category column, with an FTE of 1 and a projected YTD Sick Leave Balance at or close to 80 hours (Category 3)
- Employees with a blank in the Category column, with an FTE of less than 1 and a projected YTD Sick Leave Balance
You will need to apply the higher of the following formulas:
80 X number of hours of Sick Leave earned annually divided by 130
80 X percentage of full-time appointment
4. Each column on the spreadsheet has been set up with filters for your convenience. If you want to use more advanced filters you can click on the filter icon at the top of any column to retrieve a drop down menu of options. You can do simple filtering by just clicking or un-clicking values in the list located below the search field, or you can create more customized filters by using the numbers filter to narrow the search criteria. This will allow you to filter your lists by ranges of hours (value of "between"). See illustration below:
Click here for additional examples of setting up filters: ICI_Excel_Filter_Examples1.docx
5. To swap the time in the HRS system, please follow the instructions found in the following KB document: Managing Absences for a Prior Pay Period (Payroll Coordinator) in HRS .
6. If you need further assistance with this process, please contact UW Shared Services.
Additional Resources
Related KBs:
- Managing Absences for a Prior Pay Period (Payroll Coordinator) in HRS
- Review of the ICI Notification Process in HRS