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Enrolling, Changing, or Canceling Coverage Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS


On Demand Event Maintenance is a screen used to manually run Benefits Administration (Ben Admin) in place of the automated Ben Admin processes that run every night Sunday through Thursday. Typically we use On Demand Event Maintenance to process manual enrollments such as ADM and SAV Events for enrollment purposes, but On Demand is also used for finalizing Events reported on the MSC Event Evaluation Report. Using On Demand Event Maintenance allows you to process participant Events quickly without setting up Run Controls, waiting for overnight Ben Admin to run, or switching to other pages to enter the employee enrollments. It also allows you to correct processing errors as they occur instead of running reports after the evening processes have run. This document will walk you through the fields found on the On Demand Event Maintenance screen and how to process an Event from Schedule/Prepare to Finalized.

Process Considerations:

  • All dependent information should be entered in the system prior to processing an ADM Event.  (See Adding and Updating Dependents in HRS )
  • When processing retroactive Events (Events processed after a payroll has run), it's critical to check Benefits Retro the following day to ensure any benefits retro triggered by the Event is appropriate.  For more information regarding Benefits Retro, reference: Reviewing Retro Benefits in HRS.
  • Any Job Data changes that are made today will require running Eligibility Configuration Population to pick up any potential eligibility changes PRIOR TO using On Demand Event Maintenance.  For more information on the Eligibility Configuration Process, please reference:  Running the Populate Eligibility Config Pop Process Ad Hoc in HRS.
  • At times automatic Events created by adding Job Rows, or Events that are manually created (such as ADM or SAV) are entered into the system retroactively.  When this occurs, it will be necessary to reprocess existing Events to bring the employee's records up to date.  Please reference:  Reprocessing Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS .
  • At any point in time, a participant can have multiple unprocessed Events that are of different Event Classes and Event Dates.  Only one Event will be Open for Processing at a time.  If you have multiple Events that require processing, you will have to process each Event in the appropriate order through to a Finalized status.
  • At times it may be necessary to void or delete an Event that is not needed using the On Demand page.  For more information on Voiding and Deleting Events, please reference: Deleting and Voiding Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS .
  • Do not process Events using On Demand Event Maintenance after 7:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, after 5:00 p.m. on Sundays, or on Saturdays or Holidays that land on the 1st of a month to avoid data integrity issues or processes failing.  Ben Admin will be run automatically for the full population of employees during this time.
  • Processing different types of Events will impact an employee's benefit records differently.  As you might expect, a Termination Event will terminate all employee benefit plans when processed through to Finalized.  An MSC Event might move an employee from a Grad Benefit Program to a FA/AS/LI Benefit Program and enroll them in WRS when Finalized.  Other Events have no impact on Benefits or an employee's eligibility and when processed by Ben Admin, they will have a final status of "Prep None."  A list of all Benefit Events and their purpose can be accessed in the following KB document:  List of Benefit Events Used in HRS .
  • For an explanation of the fields on the On Demand screen, click here:  Reading the On Demand Screen Tipsheet
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Processing an ADM Event

ADM Events  are used by a Benefit Administrator for the purpose of enrolling, changing, or canceling benefit enrollments outside of the employee self service functionality.

1.  Navigate to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.  Verify that an ADM Event does not already exist for the Effective Date you need.  If an Event exists, you can reprocess this event by following the steps in KB 58136.  If no Event exists with the Effective Date you need, proceed to step 2.

2.  Add an ADM Event to the BAS Activity Table with the appropriate Effective Date. (See Adding Events to the BAS Activity Table in HRS )

3.  Navigate back to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance, enter the employee's ID (Empl_ID) and click the Search button.

4.  Pending activities will appear at the top of the screen.  If there is only one Event pending, click the Schedule/Prepare button and then the OK button on the pop up acknowledgement window. 

Pending Screen

Ok Acknowledge button

  • The Event will now be in a Prepared Status:

Update ADM Prepared Status

Benefits Administration will have performed the following functions:

  • Assigned the Event (Activity) to the appropriate Benefit Event Schedule (See:  List of Benefit Schedules in HRS )
  • Assigned the employee to a Benefit Program based on Eligibility Rules
  • Determined if the employee had any enrollment opportunities based on that type of Event
  • Prepared the employee's Enrollment Options (if any)
  • Opened the Event for further processing (Note that the Event no longer appears under the Pending Section)

If more than one Event is pending, click the Show Activities button and a pop up box will appear allowing you to choose which Event you want to work with first.  Only one Event can be open at any given point in time.  Events must always be worked in Date, Priority, and then Event ID order to avoid Events becoming out of sequence.

Upd. Multiple Events Pending

5.  Click the Election Entry button to make your enrollment additions, changes, or to cancel benefits.  If the employee is currently enrolled in any benefit plans, the Event should pull through those current elections. 

Health Option Code

  • You can use filters to narrow your search for the correct State Group Health plan.

Health Option Code Look Up

  • Enter the Primary Care Physicians/Clinics and check the "Previously Seen" checkbox if the employee is a current patient.  Please note the HRS system will not accept punctuation in this field.  For example the system will accept "Dr Smith" but will not accept "Dr. Smith."  This information will be transmitted to ETF on a nightly basis (Sunday through Thursday of each week) and then forwarded by ETF to the vendor.
  • If you are enrolling dependents, you can click the "Enroll All" button to pull through the names of all dependents.  You can remove a dependent if necessary by using the minus sign at the end of the row for that dependent. 

Enroll All

  • You can add a single dependent by clicking on the plus sign to add a row and then clicking on the magnifying glass to bring up the list of available dependents.

Health Magnifying glass

Health Dependent Look up

  • When enrolling dependents for State Group Health, enter the Primary Care Physicians/Clinics for each dependent and check the "Previously Seen" checkbox if the dependent is a current patient.  Please note the HRS system will not accept punctuation in this field.  For example the system will accept "Dr Smith" but will not accept "Dr. Smith."  This information will be transmitted to ETF on a nightly basis (Sunday through Thursday of each week) and then forwarded by ETF to the vendor.
  • NOTE:  Dependents are entered for State Group Health, Delta Dental, and Vision Insurance Plans only.  Dependent life insurance will have a separate plan type and the level of coverage will be dictated by the Option Code chosen.  Beneficiary information is not tracked by the UW,

6.  To change the current Benefit Plan election to a new election, replace the current Option Code with the new Option Code and enroll or cancel dependents as needed.  To cancel coverage for a Benefit Plan, choose the Waive Option Code for that Plan Type.

7.  Scroll down to the next Plan Type and repeat this process until all enrollments have been entered. 

8.  When all enrollments or changes have been entered, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click OK to return to the main On Demand Screen.  Click the Validate/Finalize button to submit your changes to the Base Benefit pages. 
Upd. Validate Finalize ADM
9.  A pop up box will appear letting you know that the process completed successfully.  Click the OK button to continue.

10.  Note that the Event now has a Event Processing Status of Finalized - Enrolled and the Event Status is now Closed for Processing.
Upd. Finalized Status
11.  It's important to verify that the Base Benefit Pages are accurate.  To verify enrollments, see Review Benefit Enrollments in HRS .

You can also access a summary of these plans by navigating to:  Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefit Summary Viewing the Current Benefits Summary in HRS
(NOTE:  The Current Benefit Summary will only show the plans that will be active as of today.  It will not show past or future elections.

Instructions for Processing an SAV Event

Savings Events are used when an employee completes a paper Salary Reduction Agreement form to enroll, make a change, or cancel deductions completely for a UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan.  (Note:  Employees can choose to use self-service to make changes to deduction amounts for existing 403(b) plans.) 

1.  Navigate to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.  Verify that an SAV Event does not already exist for the Effective Date you need.  If an Event exists, you can reprocess this event by following the steps in KB 58136.  If no Event exists with the Effective Date you need, proceed to step 2.

2.  Add an SAV Event to the BAS Activity Table.  (See:  Adding Events to the BAS Activity Table in HRS )

3.  Navigate back to Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollments > Events > On Demand Event Maintenance, enter the employee's ID (Empl_ID) and click the Search button. 

4.  Pending activities will appear at the top of the screen.  If there is only one Event pending, click the Schedule/Prepare button and then the OK button on the pop up acknowledgement window. 
Update SAV Schedule Prepare
Benefits Administration will have performed the following functions:
  • Assigned the Event (Activity) to the appropriate Benefit Event Schedule (See:  List of Benefit Schedules in HRS )
  • Assigned the employee to a Benefit Program based on Eligibility Rules
  • Determined if the employee had any enrollment opportunities based on that type of Event
  • Prepared the employee's Enrollment Options (if any)
  • Opened the Event for further processing (Note that the Event no longer appears under the Pending Section)

If more than one Event is pending, click the Show Activities button and a pop up box will appear allowing you to choose which Event you want to work with first.  Only one Event can be open at any given point in time.  Events must always be worked in Date, Priority, and then Event ID order to avoid Events becoming out of sequence.

Upd. Multiple Events Pending

5.  Enrollment Code, Enrollment Reason, and Application Received By date fields are not used for SAV Events.  Click the Election Entry button to make your enrollment additions, changes, or cancel benefits.  If the employee is currently enrolled in any benefit plans, the Event would pull through those elections. 

Update SAV Election Entry

6.  Scroll down to the Plan Type you wish to enroll in.  Using the magnifying glass or search option enter the Option Code.  For a list of all Option Codes, reference: Benefits Coverage Codes Job Aid for HRS

Savings pretax example image

7.  For Pre-tax 403(b) Plans, enter either a Flat Amount or a Percent of Earnings under the first row of data.  (NOTE:  If you choose a Percentage of Earnings equal to 100%, the employee will have their entire net payroll check diverted to the UW 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Plan, resulting in zero net earnings.)
Savings Pretax example image
For After Tax ROTH Plans, enter either a Flat Amount or a Percent of Earnings in the second row of boxes as shown below:
Savings After tax example image
For WRS Voluntary Additional plan, enter either a Flat Amount or a Percent of Earnings in the second row of boxes as shown below:
8.  When all enrollments have been entered, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click OK to return to the main On Demand Screen.  Click the Validate/Finalize button to submit your changes to the Base Benefit pages.
Upd. SAV Validate Finalize
9.  A pop up box will appear letting you know that the process completed successfully.  Click the OK button to continue.

10.  It's important to verify that the Base Benefit Pages are accurate.  To verify enrollments, see Review Benefit Enrollments in HRS .

You can also access a summary of these plans by navigating to:  Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefit Summary Viewing the Current Benefits Summary in HRS   (Please note that the Current Benefit Summary will only show the plans active as of today's date.  It will not show past or future elections.)

Additional Resources

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    KeywordsBenefits Ben Admin Administration Event ADM SAV UIA hire term terminate cancel enroll enrollment manage automated enrollment OE ABE BAS Activity Table validate finalize assign program benefit prepare options open closed disconnect void voiding election entry schedule pending enrollment code reason marriage divorce adoption app received effective deduction begin date coverage begin date application apply BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID58169
    OwnerJack R.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2015-11-12 14:25:32Updated2024-05-14 10:48:07
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  0   0