Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Absence Management
Running the Faculty, Academic Staff, Limited Appointee Sick Leave Reduction Report in HRS
This report identifies employees who received a sick leave reduction due to a missing leave report(s). Employees who do not file a report in one or more months of any year shall not be permitted to accrue more than 8.5 days (68 hours) if they are an annual employee or 6.4 days (51.2 hours) if they are an academic year Faculty, Academic Staff, or Limited Appointment employee, pursuant to §40.05(4)(bp)1., Wis. Stats. This cap may be blended if the employee has both an academic year and annual basis appointment during the same fiscal year.Important! If the report is run by Department it will show employees and their missing reports for that Department only. If the report is run by Employee ID (Empl_ID), it will show the missing reports for ALL departments and ALL employee records.
Process Considerations:
- The sick leave reduction is run after the 10A payroll confirm. The reduction is visible in 10B Results by Calendar. It will be visible in the employee's projected balance until the 10B confirms. Once the 10B confirms, it will moved to the current balance.
- The Report can only be run after the reduction is applied to get current year results.
- Employees are required to submit their leave reports by September 30th. Employees who do not submit their missing leave reports by September 30th, will have a reduction in their sick leave balance.
- Payroll coordinators are given until the 10A payroll confirm to have all leave reports entered. Late entry of leave reports should be entered to record leave usage however, if entered after the 10A deadline, it will not reverse the SL reduction.
- Summer Session/Service of the prior summer may also cause a SL reduction. June, July and August of the prior calendar year are included in the current year reduction.
- If you see a message in the report that states "Please check other records that were active during the FY.", it could also mean that there are submitted reports that still need approval. These will need to be approved to reverse the SL reduction.
- Running the report by Department will only display reports in that department ONLY.
- Running the report by Empl ID will display all employee records and all employee departments.
Information about the report:

- 'A' basis employees with 2080 WRS hours and SL earned at 96 will have a -28 hour reduction.
- 'C' basis employees with 1560 WRS hours and SL earned at 96 will have a -44.8 hour reduction.
- People with other WRS hours or other SL entitlements will have other sick leave reductions (Possible new hires, transfers to other empl records, mixed C and A basis employment, LWOP, etc.)
Navigate to: UW Absence Management Reports > Sick Leave Reduction Report
If you have a created Run Control ID:
- Either enter your Run Control ID and click Search or Click Search and select your Run Control ID
- For more information on how to create Run Control IDs see Setting Up Run Control IDs in HRS
Enter parameters for the Sick Leave Reduction Report. Then click "RUN" to proceed.
Report Request Parameters:
- Department ID: Select this option if you want to run the report at the department level. If you do not know the department code, then you can search for it by clicking on the “
” icon. To choose the whole Campus,type your campus letter and use the % sign. (ex. Y%)
- Employee ID: Select this option if you want to generate a report for a particular employee.
- Excel Output: If you want the report to be generated in an Excel format, select the check-box for the additional Output.
- Pay Basis: To select only the 9-Month employees, click the Academic radial button. To select only 12-Month employees, click the Annual radio button. To choose both populations, click the "Both" radio button.
- Department ID: Select this option if you want to run the report at the department level. If you do not know the department code, then you can search for it by clicking on the “
On the Process Scheduler Request page, make sure the check box is selected. Then click OK. You will return back to the original screen.
Click on the Process Monitor link to view the status of your report. This directs you to the Process List screen.
On this screen, look for your process instance and click "Details" when Run Status reads "Success" and Distribution Status reads "Posted". Click the yellow refresh button until it is successfully posted.
On Process Details screen, click on the View Log/Trace hyperlink to check the output file.
Locate the File List and find the PDF and excel file to view the Sick Leave Reduction Report.
The following is a sample of the PDF version of "Sick Leave Reduction Report" for reference. The Sick Leave Reduction Report can be run by employee or by department.
The generated report can be saved on a local computer or it can also be retrieved from the HRS at a later time.