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Processing the WED Missing Adjusted Continuous Service Date Report in HRS


All Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) covered employees are required to have an Adjusted Continuous Service Date (ACSD) entered in HRS on the Modify a Person page. For further information about how this data is used, see HRS HR - UW Personal - Adjust Continuous Service Date.

Process Considerations:

  • The WED is available for credentialed users ONLY and are based on current security roles.  Queries will be viewable only if the user has the ability to fix the reported issues.
  • Users will need to review Job Data and/or employee Personnel Transfer Records (PTR) records to determine the appropriate ACSD to enter. Correct ACSD can also be obtained by contacting the employees former institution/agency or looking the information up on the ETF One system. 
    • The Company Seniority Date Calculator (or Continuous Service Adjustment Worksheet) is available to help determine an employees ACSD.
    • ACSD only applies to time worked in a leave earning position. The Quick Guide to Continuous Service / Adjusted Continuous Service is available to help determine an employee’s ACSD.
  • There may be soft warnings that will pop up after clicking Save.  Please click through these warnings to complete the Save.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Log in to HRS. Workflow Exception Dashboard (WED) error queries appear on the Home page.  Queries appear based on your current security and whether there are errors to fix.

    Workforce Exception Dashboard
  2. To filter the results of the query list further, options appear below.

    WED Selection Options
    = Cast net by specific functional group queries
       Priority = All queries by default are sorted High, Medium, Low
       Business Unit = filter by campus
       Dept ID = filter by specific Dept ID (must enter full alpha + six digit code)
       DeptID (like) = filter by a partial Dept ID to capture larger net at the division level or multiple departments.
  3. Click UW HR Missing Adjusted Continuous Service Date Error query. This query is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS 

    Note: There are filters available to narrow your list:  Business Unit, DeptID (1), DeptID (2), Show Claimed, Show Completed.
  4. Click the 'Check to Claim' check box, your name will appear in the Claimed by section with the date and time noted.
  5. Click link to UW_HR_PERS_DATA1

    WED Error Summary
    Employees with Errors
  6. Modify a Person page opens in a new window, where ACSD is stored.  The ACSD field is not effective-dated.  You can update/change it without adding a row or using correction.
  7. Enter appropriate ACSD date; click Save.

    ACSD on Modify a Person page
  8. Close Window
  9. Return to UW HR Missing Adjusted Continuous Service Date Error query page.
  10. Click the 'Completed' check box.  Your name will appear in the Completed by section with the date and time noted.

    Completed By
  11. Click the Home link to return to the WED, OR

    Home Link
  12. Click Return to Dashboard link (available on every page) to return to the main WED page

    Return to Dashboard link

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KeywordsWED Missing ACSD Missing Adjusted Continuous Service Date User Dashboard Fix Employee Data workflow exception dashboard   Doc ID34634
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2013-10-22 07:25:19Updated2024-05-14 10:51:47
SitesUW–Shared Services
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