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Processing the WED Job Code with Incorrect Pay Basis Report in HRS


UW_HR_JOB_CODE_WITH_INCORRECT_PAY_BASIS is an error report created to find employees assigned to Job Codes ineligible for pay while being assigned to a Pay Basis that confers compensation. These errors appear in the WED, notifying credentialed users of missing/incorrect employee data, and provides the ability to fix the errors in an on-demand basis.

Employees listed are in Job Codes determined to be ineligible for pay and in an incorrect Pay Basis.

Employees holding jobs with the following Job Codes should be assigned a Pay Basis = 'No Pay Basis':

  • Z85NN Associate of the Chancellor
  • Z86NN Associate of the President
  • Z89NN Classified Back-Up
  • Z93NN Regent Professor
  • Z97NN Dept. Chairperson
  • Z99NN Academic Staff Back-Up
  • Z90NN Honorary Assoc/Fellow
  • A15NN Provost

Process Considerations:

  • The WED is available for credentialed users ONLY and are based on current security roles.  Queries will be viewable only if the user has the security access to fix the errors.  **In this case we are asking only for users to view and submit a WiscIt.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Log in to HRS, WED Error Queries appear to the right of the Main Menu.  Error Queries appear based on your current security and whether there are errors to fix.

  2. To filter the results of the Error Query list further, options appear below.

    Filter Options

    Module: filter list of reports based on function, e.g., Absence, Benefits, Finance, etc.
    Priority: all queries are listed in High--Medium--Low priority order by default
    Business Unit: filter by institution
    Dept ID: filter by specific organizational department ID; must enter full alpha + six digit code, e.g., G010000
    DeptID (like): filter by a partial Dept ID to capture a larger group, e.g., G0100 or G01
  3. Click UW HR JOB CODE WITH INCORRECT PAY BASIS error query. This query is also accessible from the FLSA WorkCenter, found at Workforce Administration > Job Information > UW FLSA WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB PD-WorkCenter.
    Note: there are filters available to narrow the list of employee errors:  Business Unit, full DeptID, partial DeptID, Show Claimed, Show Completed
  4. Click the Check to Claim check box.  Your name will appear in the Claimed by Section with the Date and Time noted.
  5. Click the JOB_DATA_JOBCODE link.

    WED Results
  6. Job Data > Job Information tab displays.  Note Incorrect Pay Basis.

    • Close Window.
    • Return to error query.  Check box for WiscItGet help from UW-Shared Services Support Team to create a ticket and update the employee.
    • Once the error is resolved, the employee will fall off the error list.
    • Click the Home link to return to the main WED, or click Return to Dashboard link (available on every page) to return to the main WED page

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KeywordsWED Job Codes not eligible for pay no pay basis job codes   Doc ID30545
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2013-06-06 13:15:05Updated2024-05-14 10:51:47
SitesUW–Shared Services
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