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Adding or Changing Appointment Level Funding for Employee's Salary Expense in HRS


This document shows how to add or change appointment-level funding for an employee's salary expenses (e.g. earnings, deductions, taxes) in HRS.

Process Considerations:

  • HRS Security Role Needed: FI Campus Funding One BU, FI Campus Funding - All Campus
  • The funding entry process is the same for all types of UW employees whose pay basis is Academic, Annual, Hourly, Lump, Summer Service or Summer Session.
  • The Budget Level indicator of "Appointment" means that funding for the employee's salary expense is linked to their appointing department, Empl ID  and Empl Rcd number.
    • Appointment-level funding is used for nearly all salary funding transactions at all campuses (the only exceptions are UW-Madison divisions: A80 (DIV-RECREATIONAL SPORTS) and A96 (DIV-WISCONSIN UNION).
  • A new funding value needs to be added anytime an employee is hired, rehired, transferred, or their department changes; a new funding entry is also required for each fiscal year.
    • Employees with a Job Data Action of Hire, Rehire, Transfer or Department Change that is effective after the Pay Period Begin Date for the payroll that includes July 1 should have a funding Effective Date equal to the Action Effective Date.
  • Funding is added once per campus, appointing department, Fiscal Year, Budget Level, Empl ID, and Empl Rcd number on the Funding Data Entry page.
    • The Funding Data Entry page, Add a New Value tab is used to add funding for the employee's current pay period or a future pay period, according to the Pay Schedules listed on the Calendars and Schedules page.
  • The Funding Data Entry page in HRS does not adjust funding retroactively for payrolls previously completed.

Fiscal Year End Special Notes:

  • A funding entry is required each Fiscal Year.
  • Each year as part of the CAT to Commitment Accounting and Funding Rollover processes, HRS will automatically populate the new Fiscal Year appointment-level funding for most active employees. Refer to the Fiscal Year End website, located on the UWSS Service Operations Finance home page (requires login).
  • The Fiscal Year End website is updated each year with specific funding information relevant for that Fiscal Year.
  • See Fiscal Year End Considerations in HRS for additional important information.

warning sign Funding for an employee's salary expense must be entered prior to final calc and confirm to ensure the change takes effect for the current payroll period.

You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Add Appointment Funding for Employee's Salary Expense (first time only)

    1. View the employee's Job Data record to verify the Empl Record Number of their current or future job, appointing Department of their current or future job and the Effective Date of the Job action that requires funding entry.

      The appropriate job row and effective date that require funding may not be the first row displayed. Use 'Include History' and scroll through Job Data rows to find the appropriate Effective Date and row for the Hire, Rehire, Transfer or Department Change.

      Example of Job Data page in HRS:
      Job Data
    2. Obtain the necessary source document that lists salary funding information for the employee's salary expense (e.g., effective date, fund, funding department, program, project/grant, funding percentage, earnings code). Documentation should be available from your financial representative/controller's office.
    3. Navigate to: Set Up HCM > Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Budget Funding Data Entry.

        You can also access this from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America > Payroll Distribution > Commitment Accounting USA > UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS .

    4. Click Add a New Value tab.
    5. From your source document, enter data into the following required fields:
      • Set ID - Pre-populated with value 'SHARE'; leave as is
      • Business Unit - Pre-populated with your business unit , e.g., UWPKS
      • Department - Appointing Department code from Job Data; e.g., G991234
      • Fiscal Year - 4 digit year for the appropriate fiscal year; UW fiscal years begin on July 1 and end on June 30
      • Budget Level - Always select Appointment; this means you are funding the salary expense of one person in one appointment
      • Position Number: leave blank
      • Empl ID - verify it is correct
      • Empl Rcd Nbr - of the employee's job being funded; verify that the correct Empl Record Number is used.
    6. Click the Add button.If you receive a message, "The value you tried to add already exists", this means Appointment-level funding has already been entered for this appointing department, fiscal year, Empl ID and Empl Rcd Nbr combination.
    7. The Funding Data Entry page displays for the employee. Verify the appointing department, fiscal year, employee name, Empl ID and Empl Rcd Number are correct.
    8. The Budget Data section displays the most recent HR information from the employee's Job Data page. The most recent rows may not be hire, rehire, transfer of department change actions.
    9. From your source document, enter the following funding distribution information:
      • Effective Date - update the funding Effective Date. The funding Effective Date should be either the employee's Hire/Rehire/Transfer/Department Change personnel action date (found on Job Data) - or - the first day of the employee's pay period that includes July 1; whichever date is later.
      • GL Business Unit (defaults to your campus but can be modified, if needed) Example: UWMSN
      • Fund (3-digit fund code) Example: 101
      • Dept ID (6-digit funding department number without the alpha character) Example: 534255
      • Program code (1-character Program code) Example: 4
      • Project (7-character Project/Grant ID, if applicable) Example: PRJ46MW NOTE: If a Project is entered, a Project End Date column will display the ending date of the project/grant. This field is not editable. (This is the project end date, not the budget end date).Distrib % (total percentage that will be expensed from this fund, department, program, etc.); accepts up to 3 decimal places. NOTE: In order to save properly, all percentages under the Distrib % column must total 100.000%.
      • ERNCD (Earnings Code), if applicable, when a specific payroll earnings code (such as for Retro Pay, Overload, Overtime) should be funded differently than regular pay. For more details, refer to KB Designate Funding for Payroll Earnings Code Differently Than Regular Pay in HRS
    10. Designate Funding for Payroll Earnings Code Differently Than Regular Pay in HRS .

      NOTE: This is not common when adding funding for the first time.

    11. To add a new funding row, click the plus icon at the end of the row (used when the funding distribution is less than 100% and you need to add an additional line to total 100%).
    12. To delete a funding row, click the minus icon at the end of the row.
    13. Click the Save button. HRS validates the funding information entered against rules in the Shared Financial System (SFS).
    14. If processing errors are detected, a message window appears.Correct any errors found. NOTE: For more information about error messages, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document Resolving Error Messages on Funding Data Entry Page in HRS .

Changing Current Funding Record

warning sign  If funding is being updated because an employee changed departments, you must follow the steps to Add New Funding, see above.

Navigation: Set Up HCM Product Related > Commitment Accounting > Budget Information > Budget Funding Data Entry > Find an Existing Value 
Accessible from the Finance WorkCenter found at Payroll for North America>Payroll Distribution>Commitment Accounting USA>UW Finance WorkCenter. For more information about the WorkCenter, see KB Setting Up a WorkCenter in HRS.
  1. Enter information to find the employee with the funding you wish to change, then click Search.
    NOTE: If you receive the message, "No matching values were found," this may mean that no Appointment level-funding has been entered for the fiscal year for the employee's appointing department, Employee ID, and Empl Record Number. If this is the case, add Appointment-Level funding by selecting the Add a New Value tab. (see steps above)
  2. If the search criteria results in multiple records, select the desired record based on Department, Fiscal Year and Empl Rcd Nbr.
  3. The Funding Data Entry page displays for the employee
    • The top part of the screen shows the Fiscal Year (e.g. 2016) and Appointing Department (e.g. A073600). 
    • The Budget Data section shows the employee's two most recent Job Data rows.  However, the action reason and description are not shown.  Before entering funding, always analyze the employee's Job Data record for their current or future job. Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
    • The Funding Distribution grid at the bottom of the screen shows current (or future-dated) funding for the employee's regular earnings, deductions, and taxes. This funding will remain in effect for the rest of the fiscal year.

Guidelines for Changing Funding:

  • The funding Effective Date should be the Pay Period Begin Date of the employee's current or future payroll calendar within the fiscal year, or the employee's most recent Hire, Rehire, Transfer or Department Change, if this information has not been previously entered in the current fiscal year.
  • Future funding Effective Dates should not be more than 30 to 60 days from today because of Job Data and funding changes that may occur in the meantime.
  • Each day of the employee's pay period should be funded, even if the employee will not be working on that date. Each day of the fiscal year should be funded for all employees who are active employees on the pay period begin date that includes July 1.
  • Any funding changes must be entered prior to final calc and confirm to ensure the change will take effect for the current payroll.

Add a New Effective Dated Funding Row

  1. Click the Add a new row icon (plus sign)
    NOTE: If you have View-Only access to the Funding Data Entry page, you will not see a plus icon under the Budget Data section header.
  2. When a new funding effective dated row is added:
  • The new information becomes the current row, and the previous information is historical.
  • The Effective Date displays with the current date.
  • The funding Eff Seq (effective sequence) field indicates 0 for the first entry, 1 for the second entry, etc., for multiple entries with the same funding effective date.
  • The funding Status field (e.g. Active) and funding distribution data are copied from the previous funding effective date.
  • In the new Effective Date field, update to the date you want the salary funding change to take effect.  The funding Effective Date will usually, but not always, be the Pay Period Begin Date of the employee's current or future pay period. Use the payroll calendar, to find specific pay period begin and end dates; see KB Pay Group Descriptions in HRS

    NOTE:If the funding changes in the middle of a pay period, all earnings after the funding change effective date will go to the new source.

  • In the new Funding Distribution grid section, enter the updated salary funding information, per your source document.
    • To delete a funding row, click the minus symbol at the end of the row you wish to delete.
    • To add a new funding row, click the plus sign.
    • Verify that all the percentage numbers under the Distrib % column total 100. 

      NOTE: You may use up to 3 decimal places, if needed.

    • The ERNCD (earnings code) column is only used to designate that a specific payroll earnings code (such as for an Overload, Retro Pay, Overtime, for example) is funded differently than an employee's regular earnings, deductions, and taxes.  For more details, refer to KB Designate Funding for Payroll Earnings Code Differently Than Regular Pay in HRS .
  • To save the new salary funding changes for the specified funding effective date, click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. 
  • The message, Processing, will display for a few seconds in the upper right portion of the screen.  This means HRS is validating the funding information entered against rules in place in the Shared Financial System (SFS).
  • To add new effective dated row(s) to enter more changes to salary funding for The Fiscal Year, repeat steps above.

Using Correct History to Make Funding Changes

    Use of Correct History to make changes on the funding page should be very rare.  It should only be used to change a previously entered Effective Date to an earlier date. For example, the Funding Effective Date was entered as 9/1, but the date needs to be 8/31 to match Job Data.
Correct History should never be used to:
  • Change a funding string -- a new funding row should be entered to add a new funding string, even if it is for the same date as an existing entry;
  • Delete a funding string - there is no limit on how many funding rows can be added in the funding screen, but existing funding entries should never be deleted;
  • Add funding as a result of a Hire, Rehire, Transfer or Department Change -- new rows should be added in all cases.
The use of Correct History to change funding or the deletion of funding rows is known to cause a variety of issues, including incorrect salary and benefit postings and challenges with encumbrance calculations and closeouts.  In many instances, encumbrance calculation and closeout issues that are a result of the use of Correct History can only be resolved at the end of the fiscal year when all encumbrances are zeroed out.

There are also infrequent instances where an existing funding entry does not match Job Data and users receive a “Not Eligible for Budget Definition” error, see KB Resolving Error Messages on Funding Data Entry Page in HRS .  In those cases, we recommend contacting the Service Center.  The Job Data and existing funding entries will be analyzed and a corrective funding entry will be made.

Contact the Service Center for assistance if a situation is encountered where it appears that the use of Correct History is the only available option for an issue other than a date change.

Additional Resources

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Related Links:

KeywordsHRS add funding enter funding funding entry salary commitment accounting budget fund hire new employee appointment level earnings code ERNCD eff seq effective sequence detailed salary funding plan report total by pay period Fiscal Year FYE Summer Session Summer Service Academic Annual Lump Pay Basis Training Hire Rehire FN, Finance   Doc ID29976
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2013-05-02 14:51:32Updated2024-05-14 12:46:59
SitesUW–Shared Services
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