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Rebuilding Benefits Primary Job Flags in HRS


Primary Job Flags drive benefit eligibility and when benefit deductions are taken. When the Flag is set to a job that the employee is not paid on, deductions will not take from that payroll. The system will automatically assess each JOB row action to determine if the Benefit Flag Assignment is appropriate and will set the Primary Job.

Process Considerations:

  • Primary Job Flags will be set based on the following criteria:
  • If there is only one active non-Student Help (SH) job, this job will be flagged as the Benefits Primary
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist, the job with the maximum FTE is set as the Benefits Primary
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist with the same FTE, the Benefits Primary Job will be based on the following order of priority in Employee Class (Empl_Class): LI, FA, AS, CP, CJ, CL, OT1, ET, SA, SH, OT2, OT3, OT4,..etc.
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist, with the same FTE and Empl_Class, the Primary Flag will be based on the following order of priority in Pay Basis on JOB:  A (Annual), C (9 Month), H (Hourly), L (Lump), S (Summer Session), V (Summer Service), N (Non).
  • The Primary Job Flags can be reset on the Maintain Flags page in HRS. An employee must always have a primary job flag or benefits will not be administered properly. One benefits primary flag must exist for each benefit record that an employee has. Note that an employee may have multiple primary job flags over time and this must be checked, as primary job designations may change over time.
  • In some instances, Benefits Administrators are unable to assign a specific flag to a specific job accurately.  In these instances, an employee may need to have their Primary Job Flags Rebuilt. When doing this for an employee, all previous jobs and effective dates will return to the default settings. The default settings for the Maintain Primary Flags page may not reflect the correct Primary Flags, so the benefits administrator must go back through the employee's complete history and make assessments as to which jobs should hold the Primary Flag as of each point in the employee's history. 
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions: Rebuilding Primary Job Flags

1.  Navigate to HRS > Benefits > Maintain Primary Jobs > UW Custom Rebuild Pri Job Flag.
Rebuild Run Control

2.  Either enter your Run Control ID and click Search or Click Search and select your Run Control ID 

3.  Enter the Employee ID (EmplID) for the employee whose Primary Job Flags need to be rebuilt.

4.  Enter the Effective Date that you want to rebuild.Check the Rebuild All Future EffDt Row(s) if you wish to rebuild flags for that effective date and all dates forward.  Uncheck the box if you wish to only rebuild flags for that specific date.

Rebuild Flags

5.  Click Run.  This will take you to the Process Scheduler Request page.

6.  In the Process Scheduler Request page, Type should be set to 'Web,' and Format set to 'TXT' and then click OK. This will take you back to the Primary Jobs Maint screen.

Rebuild OK

7.  From the Primary Job Maint screen, click on the Process Monitor hyperlink.

Rebuild Process Monitor

8.  Your process instance should be listed at the top.  If the Run Status does not say Success and Distribution Status is not Posted, click on Refresh button until the statuses change.

Rebuild Success

9.  Rebuilding the Primary Job Flags will revert the Job Flags to the following order:
  • If there is only one active Student Help (SH) job, this job will be flagged as the Benefits Primary
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist, it will set the job with the maximum FTE as the Benefits Primary
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist with the same FTE, it will assign the Benefits Primary Job based on the following order of priority in Employee Class (Empl_Class): LI, FA, AS, CP, CJ, CL, OT1, ET, SA, SH, OT2, OT3, OT4,..etc.
  • If multiple active non-SH jobs exist, with the same FTE and the same Empl_Class, it will assign the Primary Flag based on the following order of priority in Pay Basis on JOB:  A, C, H, L, S, V, N.
The benefits administrator needs to be aware of this order and go back and change the defaults if needed to reflect the correct values at the correct times. This is done by going back into the Maintain Flags section of Maintain Primary Jobs. As done before, enter the Employee's ID number (EmplID) whose flags were rebuilt.

Instructions:  Manually Setting a Primary Job Flag

In this example, the Primary Job Flag should be assigned to Employee Record (Empl_Rcd) 1, but was reverted to EmplRcd 0. As shown below, the benefits administrator will need to change this to the proper EmplRcd by checking the box next to the correct Primary Job for that date and clicking Save.  The Benefit Administrator should review the flags again after clicking Save to make sure the flags are now set to the proper jobs.

Review Current Flags

Switch Flags

Switch Flags Successful

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KeywordsMaintain Primary Job Flag Rebuild Benefits Benefit Admin Eligibility Flags BN Primary Flag Benefits Primary Missed Deductions Lowest Empl_Rcd BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID27798
OwnerJack R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2012-12-17 16:47:17Updated2024-05-14 10:51:47
SitesUW–Shared Services
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