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Running the Payline Details Report in HRS


The Payline Details Report gives a Benefit Administrator a listing of paylines that have been created for a specific Pay Run ID (pay cycle) to ensure accuracy of the amounts being either deducted or refunded to the employee.

Process Considerations:

The Payline Details Report is designed to meet multiple needs. All of the fields can be used in combination to get the information needed:

Campus Entry Report - This report is used to view all entries made by all users within one Business Unit.

  • Fields used = Business Unit + Payline Type + All Statuses
  • Optional Field = Pay Run ID. Leave blank for all pay periods, or specify one.
  • This report has row-level security, so a user will only see entries for employees within their normal scope of access.

Employee Details Report - this report is used to view all entries made by all users for one specific employee.

  • Fields used = Payline Type + EmplID + All Statuses
  • Optional Field = Pay Run ID. Leave blank for all pay periods, or specify one.
  • This report has row-level security, so a user will only see entries for employees within their normal scope of access.

Adjustments Entered by User - This report is used to view all entries for all employees made by a specific user.

  • Fields used = Entered By (UserID) + Payline Type + All Statuses
  • This report has row-level security, so user will only see entries for employees within their normal scope of access.

Exceptions Report - This report is used to view all entries made by a specific user that are no longer pending but were not loaded to the payline. Note that this report is used to view what has already happened (reactive); there is another report (Upload to PSHUP) that can be run to see what WILL happen so that problems can be resolved in advance (proactive)

  • Fields used = Entered By (UserID) + Payline Type + Error Statuses option value.
  • This report has row-level security, so a user will only see entries for employees within their normal scope of access.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


1. Navigate to: Payroll for North America > Payroll Processing USA > Create and Load Paysheets > UW Payline > UW Payline Reports > Payline Details Report
2. You are brought to the Run Control ID screen. If you have run a report or process through HRS before, enter your Run Control ID value, or click Search (which will automatically load previous Run Control IDs that have been used). However, if you are using a preexisting Run Control ID, then you may need to clear fields that were saved on the page during your last run of this report. If you have not run a report through HRS, click the Add a New Value tab, enter an ID (such as your initials) and click Add.
  • Business Unit (Example:  to view payline entries for UW Milwaukee, enter UWMIL)
  • Department (You can enter a specific department number, or enter the first letter of your department + % sign to pull all departments.  Example:  A% will pull all payline entries for all departments of the UW Madison campus)
  • Payline Type (This report can be run against specific types of payline adjustments. For the purpose of viewing benefits payline deductions, the code "BD" would be used.)
  • Employee (You can enter the Empl_ID of a specific employee to view paylines for that employee only)
UW Payline Run Control upd
3. Once all run control information has been entered, click the Run button.

4.  The Process Scheduler Request screen will appear allowing you to further define parameters such as type and format or run with the defaulted values.  Click OK to continue.
9.2 OK
5.  You will be brought back to the initial report run screen. Click the Process Monitor link near the Run button to continue.
UW Payline Process Monitor
6.  Click the Refresh button until Run Status says Success, and Distribution Status says Posted. Once those two values are seen, click the Details link at the end of the row.
9.2 UW Payline Success
7.  On Process Detail page, find the link titled View Log/Trace. Click that link.
UW Payline Details Hyperlink
8.  On the View Log/Trace page, find the File List section, and in there find the document titled: PAYLINE_DETAILS.xls Click that link.
9.2 report Hyperlink

Sample Report

You may receive messages regarding opening this file into Microsoft Excel. Click Yes to confirm opening the file.
payline Report
This spreadsheet delivers details of Payline Adjustments requested for this specific pay run. As this is an Excel spreadsheet, the information can be sorted and filtered to refine the information you are looking for. Empl ID - the employee's Empl ID value.
  • Empl Rcd - the employee's Empl Record that these paylines are being applied to. This value should represent the employee's Benefits Primary Job.
  • Payline Type - the type of payline being processed. For example, Benefits. 
  • PayGroup - the paygroup that the employee is assigned to. 
  • BusUnit - the Business Unit that the employee (or Empl Record) belongs to. 
  • DeptID - the department that this employee (or Empl Record) belongs to. 
  • EarnCd/DedCd -the Earning Code or Deduction Code that was used to create this payline adjustment. 
  • Earnings/Payment Beg Dt - the begin date for the pay period that the first incorrect or missed deduction took place. 
  • Earnings/Payment End Dt - the end date for the pay period that the last incorrect or missed deduction took place. 
  • One Time Cd - the payline code attributed to this adjustment. A stands for Addtion (or added deduction); R stands for Refund; O stands for Override (which will rarely be used). 
  • Plan Type - the plan type code that this adjustment is being made for. 
  • Ded Class - the deduction class that this adjustment is being made for. B - Before Tax; A - After Tax; N - Non-taxed; T - taxable. 
  • Amount - the dollar amount that is being applied to this pay run.

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KeywordsBenefits Payline One-Time Adjustment deduction refund processing payroll training BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID26690
OwnerChristina S.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2012-10-04 09:14:44Updated2024-05-14 10:56:53
SitesUW–Shared Services
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