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Campus Codes Used in Location / Appointing Department / Academic or Summer Pay Groups in HRS


In HRS, each campus is considered a Business Unit. Each Business Unit has an assigned one-character alpha code (e.g. A, B, C, etc.) that represents that campus. The one-character alpha code is used throughout HRS as a campus identifier.

In particular, the alpha code is used as a prefix on the appointing Department field and the Location field which are displayed on an employee's Job Data record.

For employees with an Academic Year appointment (C), Summer Session (S) or Summer Service (V) appointment, a one-character alpha code is the second letter of their 3-character Pay Group code (e.g. BCR, BSR, BVR).
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Alpha Codes for Each Business Unit or Institution

 Alpha Code

 Business Unit or Institution
 Business Unit Abbreviation


 Madison  UWMSN


 Milwaukee  UWMIL


 Eau Claire  UWEAU


 Green Bay  UWGBY


 LaCrosse  UWLAC


 Oshkosh  UWOSH


 Parkside  UWPKS


 Platteville  UWPLT


 River Falls  UWRVF


 Stevens Point  UWSTP


 Stout  UWSTO


 Superior  UWSUP


 Whitewater  UWWTW


 Colleges  UWCOL


 Extension  UWEXT


 System Administration  UWADM


 System Wide  UWSYS

Alpha Codes Used as a Prefix for Department and Location

Note: You can find an employee's appointing Department and Location from the main Menu in HRS by navigating to: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data; search for employee; click on the Work Location tab.

Dept and Location

Alpha Code Used as Second Letter in Pay Group (A, C, S, or V)

Note: You can display an employee's Pay Group code from the main Menu in HRS by navigating to: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data; search for employee; click on the Payroll tab.

If the second letter of an employee's Pay Group code is the letter "C", they are on the Academic Pay Period Payroll Calendar and are not paid during the summer months.

BCR Image

Example of Alpha Code Used as Second Letter in Pay Group for Summer Session Appointment

If the second character of the employee's Pay Group code is the letter "S", they are on the Summer Session Payroll Calendar and they have a teaching appointment. 

Example of Alpha Code Used as Second Letter in Pay Group for Summer Service Appointment

If the second character of an employee's Pay Group code is the letter "V", they are on the Summer Service Payroll Calendar, and they have a Research or Administrative appointment. 

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Keywordscampuses campus codes unit alpha codes business unit C-Basis Summer Session Summer Service training   Doc ID26615
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2012-09-27 12:52:59Updated2024-05-14 10:46:59
SitesUW–Shared Services
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