Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Talent Acquisition Management

TAM Report List


This job aid contains a list of all TAM reports and queries, the menu path (navigation), description, security role access, and frequency of production.

Process Considerations:

  • When running reports, use the default values for the server name. Do not change from PSUNX.
  • If a user has multiple TAM security roles, the role with the LEAST access is enforced.  i.e. A User with Recruiter and TA Coordinator role - TA Coordinator role access will overrule the Recruiter access.
Click on the links below to skip directly to a section:

TAM - Adhoc

These reports can be run adhoc at campuses:


Applicant Flow Data Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting> UW Reports > Applicant Flow Data Report
  • Begin Date
  • End Date
  • Business Unit
  • Application Selection:
    • All active applicants OR
    • Exclude applicants who did not meet minimum qualifications
The Applicant Flow Data Report was built to provide a comprehensive snapshot, summarizing applicants and hired employees within specified time parameters.

Primarily used for Affirmative Action, this report provides the ability to view the number of job openings, the number of applicants received per opening, the number of filled openings, and the number of people hired all within specified time parameters.

This report represents the total number of designations per self-identification category provided by the applicant per job opening. Additionally, it provides an overall total for each category for the time frame indicated in the parameters.


Since this report provides a complete snapshot in time based on the parameter time frames entered, if a job opening was open after the end date parameter, the report will only show applicants who were already applied, or who applied during the time frame indicated.  It will not show any that applied after the timeframe.  Any applicants who applied after the end date entered on the parameters page will appear on the report if rerun with a later end date.  Applicants in Draft or Linked status are excluded from the report.

Report does not include job openings:

  • With the Waiver Hire box checked on the Job Opening Details page
  • In Pending or Draft status
  • Were Closed/Filled or Canceled outside of the time frames entered on the parameters page

When the "Exclude applicants who did not meet minimum qualifications" parameter is checked, the report will not show any applicant whose disposition was 03C Does Not Meet Minimum Qual  (Unqualifd) during the report parameter timeframes.

warning sign  Data for this report is captured through the Manage Hires functionality in HRS. If Manage Hires functionality is not used at the time of hire, the hires may not be present on the report.

Recruiter - All job openings and associated applicants within their business unit. Applicant_Flow_Data_Report_02-2018.xlsx

Report fields:
  • General Fields: Job Opening ID, Target Openings, Department, Empl Class, Total FTE, Job Group, Total Applicants
  • Applicants - Gender: Male, Female, Other, Unknown
  • Applicants - Disability: Disabled, Not Indicated
  • Applicants - Protected Veteran: Veteran, Protected Veteran, Not Indicated
  • Applicants - Ethnicity: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Islander, White, Declined to Respond, Not Indicated, Identified 2 or More Races
  • Hired - Gender: Male, Female, Other, Unknown
  • Hired - Disability: Disabled, Not Indicated
  • Hired - Protected Veteran: Veteran, Protected Veteran, Not Indicated
  • Hired - Ethnicity: American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian, Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Islander, White, Declined to Respond, Not Specified, Identified 2 or More Races

Interview Stage Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Interview Stage Report
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID

Used to assist in approval of interview pool. Includes all applicants' gender, ethnicity, disabled and veteran status that they identified.

Recruiter - All Departments within their Business Unit


Interview Stage Report xlsx

Open Records Applicant Conf

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Open Records Applicant Conf  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Used to assist with open records requests.

Recruiter - All Departments within their Business Unit

 Open Records Applicant Conf Report xlsx

Tracking Advertising Source

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Tracking Advertising Source
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID

Shows where Business Units advertised the opening to aid in determining whether their advertising is effective.  This report displays the gender, ethnicity, disability, and veterans statuses of each applicant based on the advertising venue.

Recruiter - All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is


Applicant Non-Selection Status

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Applicant Non-Selection Status  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
This report may be used as an aid to track where individual applicants "fell out" of the recruitment process for a specific job opening.  At a glance, the report gives Affirmative Action Officers and HR Professionals the ability to see which applicants fell out in the early stages because they did not meet the minimum qualifications, those who fell out at the interview stage, etc.  It also identifies the individual who was hired. Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit


Applicant Non Selection Status Report xlxs

Report fields:
Applicant ID, Last Name, First Name, Applicant Disposition, Previous Disposition, Applicant Gender, Applicant Ethnicity, Applicant Disability and Veteran Status.
  • Applicant Disposition:  Displays the applicant's current disposition
  • Previous Disposition:  Displays the applicant's previous disposition for any applicant with a current status of 100 Hold, 110 Reject, or 120 Withdrawn
  • Applicant Ethnicity:  Displays all ethnicities the applicant identified

Job Group Analysis

For more information, see KB Running the Job Group Analysis Report in TAM 
HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Job Group Analysis
  • Date Range (From Date - To Date)
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • UWC/UWEX Program Area
  • Job Group
This report provides a way for business units to track hires within an Affirmative Action job group.   The report pulls together gender, ethnicity, disability and veteran data about each hire from a specified job group. This data may be useful for analysis when a job group is underutilized and affirmative action goals have been identified. Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit


Rejected Job Offer Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Rejected Offer Report
  • From Date
  • To Date 
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
  • UWC/UWEX Program Area
Shows reasons applicants rejected offers.

  • The report will include only rejected offers within the selected date range (From Date through To Date) 
  • The report includes only offers in the offer status of 110 Offer Rejected  OR the recruitment disposition of 131 Applicant Rejected Offer
  • Rejected Offer Reasons must be selected on the Offer page to be visible in this report.
  • User will determine whether the report will be run for the entire business unit, one department, or a single job opening by selecting the desired parameters.
Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit



Adverse Impact Analysis Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Adverse Impact Analysis Report 
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Ethnic, gender veteran and disability summary and also the adverse impact analysis (no applicant names). Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Adverse Impact Report.pdf

Self Identification Pool Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Self Identification Pool Rpt  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Report identifies all applicant self identification information including disability and veteran status. This report also identifies applicants who have self-identified as being part of 2 or more races. (Includes names). Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Applicant Self Identification Pool Report xlxs

Applicant Roster

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Applicant Roster Queries  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Applicant list by Job Opening.  Mailing list with no gender or ethnicity.

This report also includes the current applicant disposition and the date applied.
Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is

 Applicant Roster Report xlxs

Recruitment Expenses Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Recruitment Expense Report  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Tracks recruitment expenses per job opening.


  • Report includes expenses based on the job opening ID.   
  • Only expenses entered in the 'Activities and Attachments' section for the job opening will be included on the report. 
  • If an expense is added directly to the applicant data through 'Manage Applicants/Applicant Activity', it will NOT be present on this report.  There is no way for the system to tie expenses entered in that manner back to a job opening.

Recruiter - All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is

 Recruitment Expense Report xlxs

Waiver Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Waiver Report
  • Business Unit
Tracks waived recruitments so full recruitments can be conducted when required.


  • Report returns only hires from job openings in your business unit where the waiver hire checkbox was selected.  
  • Report includes waiver hires from today's date (To Date) back one year (From Date).  This gives ample time for the full recruitment to be planned and conducted.
Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

 Waiver Hire Report xlxs

Job Opening Status Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Job Opening Status Report
  • Business Unit
  • Employee Classification
  • Department
  • UWC/UWEX Pgm Area
  • Job Opening Status (check boxes)
Gives users the ability to track the progress of recruitments which could include tracking by employee class or opening status. Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is


Failed Recruitment Report

HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Failed Recruitment Report  
  • From Date
  • To Date
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • UWC/UWEX Program Area
Identifies recruitments where no one was hired due to a failed search.

  • Report includes only job openings with a job opening status of 120 Canceled and a status reason of 01F Failed Recruitment. 
  • Report includes failed searches within the selected date range (From Date through To Date). 
  • When a department is selected in the parameters, only failed recruitment from that department will be listed.  If no department is selected, all failed job openings for the business unit will be included.
Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is


Applicant Screening Report

 HRS Navigation: Main Menu > Recruiting > UW Reports > Applicant Screening Report  
  • Business Unit
  • Department
  • Job Opening ID
Lists each applicant's answers to each screening question and screening results for the entire applicant pool of a Job Opening. Recruiter- All Departments within their Business Unit

Hiring Manager - When associated with the Job Opening within their Business Unit

TA Coordinator - The Department where their primary job is

Applicant Screening Report xlxs

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KeywordsTAM report find report EPM HCM HR Queries TAM Reports TAM report OFCCP TAM, Talent Acquisition Management   Doc ID20552
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-10-10 12:30:25Updated2024-05-14 12:57:26
SitesUW–Shared Services
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