Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Talent Acquisition Management

Searching for Job Opening or By Application in TAM


Use the Search Job Opening page using a variety of criteria to find a specific job opening.
Use the Search Applications page to search for applicants and their applications meeting the criteria you specify.

Process Considerations:

Search Job Openings

  • Searching by the Job Opening ID is the most efficient way to access the record for a specific job opening whose ID you know.
  • If you do not know the status of the job opening for which you are searching, blank out the Status field to return all job openings to which you are associated.

Search Applications

  • This page is only seen by users with Recruiter security role.
  • Search Applications allows you to find recruiting records based on a combination of applicant and job opening criteria.

Browse Job Openings

  • Available to all TAM users.
  • Defaults to show job openings in Open status for which you are associated.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


Search Job Openings

  1. Navigate to Recruiting > Search Job Openings

    Alternate Navigation:  Recruiters can Search Job Openings from the Recruiting Home dashboard Quick Links

  2. Use the Search Job Openings page to search for job openings meeting the criteria you specify. Regardless of the criteria specified, the system will only return job openings which you are associated that meet the search criteria.
    • Job Posting Title: Enables you to search by the Posting Title
    • Job Opening ID: Search for a specific job using the Job Opening ID
    • Status: Allows you to search for job openings in a particular status, such as Open, Draft, Cancelled, etc. The Status field will default to the value of Open.
    • Category: Search using one of your personal job opening categories, see KB Assigning Job Opening Categories in TAM
    • Most Recent Activity: How recently the job opening has had a status change
    • Job Opening Type: Can limit your search to either standard requisitions or continuous job openings
    • Hot Job: not used
    • My Association: Search by your association with a job opening such as All Jobs, Jobs Assigned to me, Jobs Associated to me and Jobs Created by me
    • Hiring Manager: Search for jobs associated to a certain Hiring Manager
    • Recruiter: Search for jobs associated to a certain Recruiter
    • Created By: Search for jobs created by a specific individual
    • Business Unit: Search for jobs based on the institution
    • Department: Narrow a search by entering a Department, only becomes visible after a Business Unit is entered.
    • Position Number: Search for jobs based on a specific position used
    • Recruitment Contact: Not applicable
  3. After entering the desired criteria, click Search. You can also reset your criteria by clicking the Clear button.

    search job opening
  4. To access a specific job, click on the corresponding Job Opening link.
    NOTE: Click the Search Criteria drop down to review or modify your existing search criteria.

Job Opening Results

Search Applications

  1. Navigate to Recruiting > Search Applications
    Alternate Navigation:  Recruiters can Search Applications from the Recruiting Home dashboard Quick Links
  2. Use the Search Applications page to search for applicants and their applications that meets the criteria you specify. Regardless of the criteria specified, the system will only return applicants who have applied to job openings within your Business Unit.
    NOTE: Applicant Status defaults to Active in the search criteria.
    • Search My Applicants: Find applicants that are part of a job opening for which you are associated within your Business Unit
    • Include Applications Not Linked to a Job Opening: Use this criteria to find applicants that aren't associated to a specific job opening, in addition to applications that meet any other criteria you supply.
    • First Name: Search for applications based on an applicant's first name
    • Last Name: Search for applications based on an applicant's last name
    • Applicant Status: Search by the applicant's status (Active, Hired, Inactive and Queued (Queued is not used))
    • Applied Within: Find applicants that have applied within a certain time frame
    • Applicant ID: Search for applications based on an applicant's ID
    • Disposition: Search for applicants based on a certain Disposition (Draft, Screen, Route, Offer, etc.)
    • Job Posting Title: Search for applications based on the Posting Title
    • Job Opening ID: Search for applications based on the Job Opening ID
    • Job Opening Status: Search for applications based on the Job Opening Status (Draft, Pending, Open, etc.)
    • Category: Search using one of your personal job opening categories, see KB Assigning Job Opening Categories in TAM
    • Hiring Manager: Search for applications associated to a certain Hiring Manager
    • Recruiter: Search for applications associated to a certain Recruiter
  3. After entering the desired criteria, click Search. You can also reset your criteria by clicking the Clear button.

    NOTE: Click the Search Criteria ribbon to review or modify your existing search criteria.
    NOTE: You can also click the Job Opening link to access all applicant's associated to that specific job opening.

    search applications

Browse Job Openings

  1. Navigate to Recruiting > Browse Job Openings
  2. The Browse Job Openings page displays a grid listing the job openings that meet your criteria. The display defaults job openings in Open status. You can specify criteria two ways:
    • Perform a keyword search using the search field that appears above the grid.
    • Use the Filter By area to the left of the grid to choose filtering criteria.
  3. Click on the Posting Title or No Action Taken hyperlinks to be taken to the Manage Job Opening Page
browse job openings
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KeywordsTalent Acquisition Manager TAM job posting search job opening ID job status recruiter position number job title training application TAM, Talent Acquisition Management browse applicant association   Doc ID20381
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-09-22 09:08:17Updated2024-05-14 10:56:53
SitesUW–Shared Services
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