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Updating the HR Primary Indicator in HRS


Employees can hold multiple jobs concurrently. Employees may have only one primary job at one time. In cases where the Employee's Primary employee record (Empl Record) has been terminated, another employee record must be designated as the Primary employee record. This document reviews how to update the HR Job Indicator.

Process Considerations:

  • Updating the Job Indicator has NO impact on, and should not be confused with, the Benefits Primary Job. To update the Benefits Primary Job, reference KB 27798.
  • In cases where an employee has two or more Empl Records and they are at different institutions, communication and collaboration should occur between multi-campus HR Staff/Campus Division Representatives to determine the correct Primary vs Secondary records.
  • Various downstream systems utilize the Primary Job Indicator:
    • Security Provisioning
    • Info Access
    • UW Madison White pages 
    • As a best business practice, the Primary Job Indicator should be maintained.
  • Madison Only: When an employee is hired into a concurrent job or position through JEMS, the system automatically assigns both positions as the Primary Job. An HR Professional will have to update the employee's Job Data to update the Job Indicator on the Empl Record that is secondary.
  • The following logic should be followed to determine which job should be primary:
 1.  If multiple jobs with Empl Class of  FA (Faculty) where one or more are for Summer (Pay Basis = "V" Summer Service or "S" Summer Session) and one is Academic Year (Pay Basis = "C" Academic), the Academic Year Empl Record is Primary, else
 2.  Pay Basis is not equal to "N" (i.e. paid position/job)
 3.  If more than one Empl Record exists with Pay Basis not equal to "N," or all Empl Records have a Pay Basis = "N," choose the Empl Record with largest FTE.
 4.  If there is more than 1 Empl Record with the same "largest" FTE, assign the Primary Job based on the following order of priority in Empl Class:
1) LI
2) FA
3) AS
4) CP
5) CJ
6) ET
7) SA
8) CL
9) OT
10) SH
 5. If more than 1 Empl Record exists with the same FTE and Empl Class, assign Primary Job based on the earliest Job Start Date among these Empl Records.  This is the most current Hire, Rehire, Transfer effective date for each Empl Record. Exceptions:
  • If Hire Reason = 999 with a Conversion Date Effective as of 2/10/2011, then check the Original Start Date on the Employment Data hyperlink
  • If Rehire Reason = 070 Rescind Term, or 072 Terminated in Error, then ignore that Effective Date and look for the previous Action of Hire, Rehire, Transfer
 6. If more than 1 Empl Record exists with the same FTE, Empl Class and Job Start Date, assign the Primary Job based on lowest Empl Record.

You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
  1. Enter Name or Empl ID of Employee.
  2. Click Search button.
  3. Two or more Empl Records appear for Employee. Select the record that needs to be changed.
  4. Click the plus sign to add a new row.
  5. Enter the Effective Date  of the change.
  6. Change the Effective Sequence number if needed.
  7. Set the Action drop-down menu to Data Change.
  8. Set the Reason drop-down menu to Change Job Indicator.
  9. Set the Job Indicator drop-down menu to either Primary Job or Secondary Job.
  10. You may receive a soft warning message if the employee that you are updating already has a Primary Job. Click OK.

    warning primary job
  11. Click Save

    work Location Tab 17818
  12. Repeat these steps to update any additional Job Records that need to be modified.

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

KeywordsHR Human Resources Job Job Data Workforce Administration change job indicator training primary job secondary job HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID17818
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-04-04 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:57:25
SitesUW–Shared Services
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