Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Absence Management

Process Payouts and Paybacks upon Termination or Transfer in HRS


This procedure will describe the general steps for entering a payout or a payback of a leave type through the UWS Absences page for employees. These procedures could also be used to recoup overused "allocated" balances which you will receive on the report called Leave Balance Report (KB 30503 )

Process Considerations:

  • For University Staff employees: Upon saving the Absence Entry, no hours will be displayed on the timesheet in HRS just the take type. The Absence Entry will be visible in Review paycheck after the pre-calc process.  It will also be visible in Results by Calendar > Absence Data after an absence calc runs.
  • Personal Holiday and Vacation have no minimum work requirement to qualify for payout. Probation does not factor in. 
  • It is recommended that these takes be entered after time is submitted on the timesheet. Otherwise this take replaces scheduled hours for that day. The alternative would be to enter the take on a NON-scheduled day.   This is not a consideration for employees with a zero schedule. 
  • For Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointment (FA/AS/LI) employees: After saving the Absence Entry, the amount of the payout or payback is visible in Results by Calendar > Absence Data after an absence calc runs.  Also visible in Review Paycheck after the pre-calc process.
  • ***All leave reports must be entered before the payouts will be processed.
  • If Payout/Payback is not Processed with the Final Check:
    • If the payout does not process with the final check and you need to process after the employee has terminated, you will follow the same procedure as above making sure to effective date the payout/payback take prior to the employee becoming inactive in payroll and send a request to UWSS Service Operations to add a payline for the terminated employee. This would be true of an employee that does not return from an LOA and is simply terminated. You would need to process the payout back to a point in time when they were active such as the last pay period in which they were paid.
    • If the payback does not process with the final check you will need it initiate a check correction with UWSS Service Operations for last paid paycheck. This would be true for an employee who does not return from an LOA as well.
Warning Sign When employees owe the UW more than their last paycheck can support:
  • The Payroll Coordinator should enter the Payback absence take and enter the hours in the Override field for the number of hours the employee can pay back.
  • Then submit a check correction for the pay period prior to the termination to determine the remaining money that should be recouped to collect a payment from the employee.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


  1. Terminate the person in JOB, for more information about terminating a person see: Adding Termination Rows on Job Data in HRS . Wait for Absence Calc.
  2. Make sure all leave reports are entered.
  3. Navigate to Main Menu > Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Payee Data > Maintain Absences > UWS Absences.
  4. Enter the EMPLID of the employee that was terminated in the EMPLID field and click the Get Employees button.

    Get the Employees
  5. Click the check box next to the name of the desired employee and click the Absence Balance button.

    Absence Data Termed
  6. Determine the balances that need a payout or payback by reviewing the current balances. For more information about how to review absence balances see Reviewing Absence Balances in HRS Absence Balance page with a positive Vacation Absence Type

    View Absence Balances

    Note: At this point, it would be advisable to enter the employee's regular time on the timesheet first and submit the time. Once the time is submitted, then you can add the payout or payback in the Absence Request page. Otherwise, the payout/payback take will replace scheduled hours for that day. Alternatively, you can enter the payout/payback take on an unscheduled day. It will be accepted on any day of the pay period. Use caution if using leave time after the payout date.

  7. Return to the UWS Absences Page and click the checkbox next to the employee's name again and click on the the Request Absence button.

    Absence Data for Active Employees
  8. Scroll to the right and hit the "+" button to add a row. Enter the term date in the Event From Date field. The Thru Date will auto populate.

    Note: Be sure to use a date prior to the effective date in JOB. The employee is inactive as of the effective date in JOB.  It must be dated while the employee is active in payroll. It is recommended that these takes be entered after time is submitted on the timesheet. Otherwise this take replaces scheduled hours for that day. The alternative would be to enter the take on a NON-scheduled day.   This is not a consideration for employees with a zero schedule.  If term pay is entered prior to the last work day it will affect usage if that leave time is taken after the payout effective date.

    Request Tabs Entry
  9. Select the correct Absence Take. You should double check the balance vs. the absence take—a positive balance requires a payout and a negative balance requires a payback. Be careful in  selecting the correct take because an incorrect take selection may still say "approved" but the payout/payback will not actually process. If you are unsure if you should setup a payout or payback, you may enter one of each. Only the correct one will process through to the paycheck. The incorrect one will not process.  Be sure if you enter a payback there are enough dollars to support the take.
    Warning Sign  NOTE: Do NOT enter hours in the payout/payback field.  HRS will automatically calculate this for you after the final payroll hours are calculated. Only enter hours in this field if you wish to “override” the calculated payout amount.    Absence Event page with an Absence Type of Vacation selected since it has a negative balance and requires Payback

  10. Click OK to create and approve the payout or payback.

Validating How Much Should be Paid Out

To validate how much HRS calculated should be paid out, you can use Results by Calendar after the absence calc:

  1. Go to Global Payroll & Absence Mgmt > Absence and Payroll Processing > Review Absence/Payroll Info > Results by Calendar and click in Absence Data

    Absence Data Tab
  2. If you see the take with a Day Count (paid), it should process. If the Day Count is missing, it likely will not process.

    Absence Data Detail
  3. For FA/AS/LI employees, you may use the Absence Data as you would above to validate processing, but also you can also use the Generated Positive Input. Click on the Generated Positive Input link on the Results by Calendar page.

    Generated Post Pay Tab
  4. Click on Other Data.

    Generate Positive Input Other Data
  5. Verify the amount of the payout based on forecast of paid hours/days.

    Generated Positive Pay Payout

    Warning Sign   If Payout/Payback Does Not Process with the Final Check:
    • If the payout does not process with the final check and you need to process after the employee has terminated, you will follow the same procedure as above making sure to effective date the payout/payback take prior to the employee becoming inactive in payroll and send a request to UWSS Service Operations to add a payline for the terminated employee. This would be true of an employee that does not return from an LOA and is simply terminated. You would need to process the payout back to a point in time when they were active such as the last pay period in which they were paid.
    • If the payback does not process with the final check you will need to initiate a check correction with UWSS Service Operations for the last paid paycheck. This would be true for an employee who does not return from a LOA as well.
Absence Event page with an Absence Type of Vacation selected since it has a negative balance and requires Payback
UWS Payback

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

term pay payouts outs overused vacation overused leave termination transfer AM, Absence Management, TL, Time, Labor 
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Owned by:
Christine P. in UW–Shared Services
UW–Shared Services