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Time and Labor Processing Procedure Timeline in HRS
This document will go over the key Time and Labor processes that occur daily, nightly, weekly, and during the bi-weekly payroll processing week. The document also lists some of the reports and queries that should be run and reviewed during the biweekly pay period to process and pay employees correctly.Instructions
TL Auto Enroll, TL Auto Security, TL Refresh Dynamic Groups, and Time Admin jobs run on a nightly basis. The Time Administration (Time Admin) job stream that processes employee's (University Staff, FAASLI Non-Exempt and Student Hourly) Reported Time to Payable Time, runs seven times daily at 4a, 6:15a, 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p and around 6p.
During the biweekly payroll processing the TL Load job processes approved payable time to Payroll in the evenings of Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday with the final TL Load job running Wednesday night. Also, during the biweekly payroll processing the billing interface file is loaded and processed in HRS.
Brief Descriptions of Key Jobs that are Processed:
TL Auto Enroll - This job runs nightly as part of the HRTLN_BCALC job stream. The Automated Time Reporter Enrollment (Auto Enroll) of employees into Time and Labor (TL) uses criteria from the employee's job data record to determine the appropriate configuration when enrolling employees into TL. The job will recognize job transactions such as new hires, rehires, transfers and changes in an employee status and then automatically makes additions or updates to the TL configuration on the employee's Time Reporter Data page. The core data configured on the Time Reporter Data page includes employee start date, status, employee type (elapsed or punched time), time period ID, Workgroup, Task Group, and Task Profile ID.
TL Auto Security Refresh - This job runs nightly as part of the HRTLN_BCALC job stream. The job reviews each employee's TL Security page that lists the payroll coordinators and approvers (supervisors) and determines which Static and Dynamic Group IDs an employee belongs. For new employees it will determine whether they belong to a payroll coordinator's, supervisor's, etc. current Static Group ID or if a new Static Group ID should be created (this would happen if the employee is assigned to a person who didn't already have a Static Group ID). The Static and Dynamic Groups are what determines which employees can be viewed on Time & Labor pages to manage Reported Time and approve Payable Time . See user procedure Creating and Maintaining Time and Labor Security in HRS for additional information.
TL Refresh Dynamic Groups - This job runs nightly as part of the HRTLN_BCALC job stream. The job refreshes Dynamic Groups used by Time & Labor jobs, such as Time Admin.
Time Admin - The Time Admin job stream runs seven times daily: 4a, 6:15a, 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p, and around 6p. This job reviews new and updated Reported Time, and checks to see if existing TL Exceptions have been resolved. Based on the Rule Program that is associated to a Workgroup which is assigned to the employee on their Time Reporter Data page, the Time Admin job determines which rules should be applied to the employee's Reported Time on their timesheet. The Time Admin job processes Reported Time to Payable Time or creates TL Exceptions which must then be resolved before Payable Time can be generated for approval. Payable Time and TL Exceptions can be viewed by managers on the Time and Absence MSS Dashboard, see KB Managing the Time and Absence MSS Dashboard in HRS for more information. It's important that Payable time with a TL Exception(s) be reviewed and the TL Exception resolved in a timely fashion to assure the Payable Time is processed for approval and then sent to payroll so employee's are paid correctly and timely. See document Review of Time Administration in HRS for more information.
Load Time and Labor - This job runs as part of the nightly biweekly payroll calc processing job streams on Thursday, Friday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This job takes all approved Payable Time without TL Exceptions and creates/loads to paysheets in payroll.
Billing Interface Process - This job runs once during biweekly payroll processing, loading and processing time from Housing and FPM into HRS. Once the time has been loaded in HRS, Time Admin then reviews the Reported Time and generates Payable Time or TL Exceptions. A mass approval job runs as part of the nightly Payroll Calc streams to approve this payable time since the time was already approved within the departments respective billing systems.
Each day/week/pay period the supervisor or payroll coordinator can enter Absences and Reported Time for employees. The supervisors/payroll coordinators should be checking employee timesheets after absences are entered and then adjust Reported Time as needed. Please refer to user procedures Elapsed Hourly Integrated Timesheets in HRS and Making Timesheet Adjustments in HRS . It is recommended as a best practice that absence and time entry be done weekly in order to better balance the heavy volume of time that reporters enter in HRS each biweekly pay period. Absences should always be entered first for ease of the overall time entry process.
Every day the time admin job stream runs seven times (4a, 6:15a, 9a, 11a, 1p, 3p and around 6p), generating Payable Time and TL exceptions. It is recommended that a review of TL exceptions occur frequently during the biweekly pay period. This will result in less data cleanup having to be done during the biweekly payroll processing and will make the approval process quicker. User procedure Reviewing and Approving Time and Absence Exceptions in HRS provides a listing of exceptions and provides guidance on how to resolve exceptions. Once Payable Time has been created by Time Admin, the approval process can then occur. As stated above, it is recommended that the time entry/approval process be done on a weekly basis to balance the heavy volume of time entry during the biweekly payroll processing.
A typical biweekly processing calendar is attached Payroll Calendar General.
If a user chooses not to enter the absence and reported time on a weekly basis, these steps should then occur during the biweekly payroll processing in order for employees to be paid correctly.
Below are the important steps that should be done each day during a typical biweekly payroll processing.
- Employees using Employee Self Service should continue to enter absence and reported time.
- Supervisors and payroll coordinators can begin reviewing and approving payable time, and resolving TL exceptions.
- The first TL Load job runs at night to create Pay Sheets and process approved payable time to Payroll.
- Employees using Employee self service should complete absence and reported time entry.
- Supervisors and payroll coordinators should continue reviewing and approving payable time, and resolving TL exceptions.
- The Billing Interface process runs loading and processing files from participating departments.
- The second TL Load job runs at night to process approved payable time to Payroll.
- Employees using Employee self service should complete absence and reported time entry.
- Supervisors and payroll coordinators should continue reviewing and approving payable time, and resolving TL exceptions.
- The third TL Load job runs at night to process approved payable time to Payroll.
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators complete all absence and time entry as applicable.
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators clean up any outstanding TL exceptions.
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators approve payable time.
- The fourth TL Load job runs at night to process approved payable time to Payroll.
Note: Bullet #1,#2, and #3 can continue to occur throughout the day as the Time Administration process runs. New payable time will be generated for approval and new TL exceptions may need to be resolved.
Note: Employees (University Staff, FAASLI Non-Exempt and Student Hourly) are no longer able to enter or update reported time on their timesheet for the biweekly pay period being processed as of midnight on Monday. All updates to reported time on an employee's timesheet will have to be made by the supervisor or payroll coordinator after midnight on Monday.

- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators complete all absence and time entry as applicable (supervisors may not be applicable here depending on your campus/institutions policies).
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators clean up any exception data that is outstanding (supervisors may not be applicable here depending on your campus/institutions policies).
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators approve time (supervisors may not be applicable here depending on your campus/institutions policies).
- The fifth TL Load job runs at night to process approved payable time to Payroll.
Note: Bullet #1, #2, and #3 can continue to occur throughout the day as the Time Administration process runs. New payable time will be ready for approval as well as new exceptions that may need to be resolved.

- Absence and time corrections occur. It is not recommended to be entering reported time this morning, instead work on final corrections and clean up.
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators clean up any outstanding TL exceptions (supervisors may not be applicable here depending on your campus/institutions policies).
- Supervisor/Payroll Coordinators approve payable time (supervisors may not be applicable here depending on your campus/institutions policies).

- Final absence and time corrections completed for the 3pm Time Admin run.
- Final absence and payable time approvals completed by 6pm for the Final TL Load Wednesday night.
Note: Any high severity exceptions resulting from the 3pm Time Admin run may not be corrected in time for the final TL load to payroll. If cleaned up/corrected, the time will be processed on the next biweekly payroll period.

The Final TL Load to Payroll will occur this evening for the biweekly pay period being processed.
- The Final payroll calc for the biweekly payroll processing runs. Any new time entry or corrections from the pay period being processed will be processed on the next biweekly period.

Reports and Queries
The Time and Labor reports and queries are attached to both the payroll coordinators and supervisors security roles and can be run ad-hoc as needed. Below is a brief description of the reports and queries, and recommendations on when and by whom they should be run. User procedures List of Time and Labor Queries in HRS and Time and Labor Reports in HRS give a complete description of the reports, run control parameters, and sample output from each report.
Note: Much of the data that is displayed on several reports/queries can also be accessed via online pages within the system.
Reports during pay processing week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
- Payable Status Report (can also be seen on View Payable Time pages)
- Time Clock and Web Entry Report
- Compare Payable Time to Paysheet (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
- Payable Time Report (can also be seen on View Payable Time pages and Payable Time Approval page)
Queries during pay processing week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)
- Exception Query (can also be seen on the Exceptions page)
- Duplicate Time Query
- Time Rejected by Payroll
- Time Entry Status
- Needs Approval Query (also can be found on Approve Payable Time and View Payable Time Pages)
Queries during the pay processing week (Ad-Hoc)
- Exception Query (can also be seen on the Exceptions page)
- Duplicate Time Query
- Payable Time by Task (UW Stout, UW Madison Housing, UW Athletics)
- Needs Approval Query (also can be found on Approve Payable Time and View Payable Time Pages)
Reports Ad-Hoc
- Timesheet Report (usually before the start of next week or pay period)
- Labor Report
- Schedule Definition Report
- Overtime and Comp Time Report
- Total 80 Report
- No Reported Time
Queries Ad-Hoc
- Comp Time Balance Query
- TL Group Membership Query
- Inactive TL Approvers
- Payable Time by TRC
Queries for Legal Holiday Processing Pay Periods
- Schedule Hours exceed Legal Holiday Accrual
- SH Work on a Legal Holiday
Additional Resources
Related KBs:
- Absence Processing Overview for University Staff and FAASLI Employees in HRS
- Managing the Time and Absence MSS Dashboard in HRS
- Elapsed Hourly Integrated Timesheets in HRS