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Entering Summer Service & Summer Session Positions and Jobs in HRS


A number of staff perform additional work either by teaching (Summer Session) or by performing research or administrative tasks (Summer Service). Benefit deductions will not occur on these short term jobs. Employees may be rehired into these same positions each summer.

This document addresses 3 scenarios:

  1. Current 9-month academic year employees working summer session/summer service
  2. New fall 9-month employees working summer session/summer service
  3. New hires - summer session/summer service only

This procedure will explain the process for hiring employees for Summer Session (teaching) and/or Summer Service (research or administrative) jobs.

Process Considerations:

Summer Session and Summer Service Calendars

Employees may work during their short work break from their C- or A-Basis appointment to teach (Summer Session) or perform research/administrative tasks (Summer Service) during the summer months. These summer jobs are separate positions.
(Note: Madison will create new positions each summer through JEMS using the Rehire option.)

  • IMPORTANT:  Do not use a C-Basis or A-Basis job for summer employment. Leave the employee's job in a Short Work Break status until the employee returns to work. Benefit deductions are ONLY taken on the C- or A-Basis job.
  • For the summer job, create a new Position or modify an existing Position from last summer.
  • If you are using a Position from last summer, review the Position data and existing funding for accuracy before hiring the employee.
  • Summer positions are short-term positions with an 02A Continuity and a Pay Basis of either Summer Session (Teaching) or Summer Service (Research/Administrative).
  • If it's possible to determine the FTE, create or rehire the summer Position with the correct FTE percent; if not, use 0.01 Standard Hours (0.00025 FTE) and pay with a lump sum in Additional Pay.
  • If you are using a terminated Employment Record from last summer, Rehire into the Employment Record # from the previous year even if you are creating a new Position.
  • If there are multiple jobs in the summer that have effective dates that overlap each other, create separate Employment Records for each job.  If effective dates do not overlap, use the same Employment Record to transfer from job to job.
  • If you are setting up effective dates for the entire summer and using 0.01 standard hours (0.00025 FTE) and Additional Pay, be sure to use a $0 Compensation Rate or they will be paid a small amount (salary x .00025).
  • For budgeting purposes, the Teaching (Summer Session) position is paid in the Fiscal Year earned, but reported entirely in the new Fiscal Year.
  • For budgeting purposes, the Research (Summer Service) position is paid and reported in the Fiscal Year in which it is earned.
  • Wisconsin Retirement System (WRS) earnings are accumulated on the Summer Session or Summer Service positions.

Critical Timing for hiring a New Fall C-Basis (First Time Hire) early for Summer Session/Service

  • If you are hiring a new Faculty, Instructional Academic Staff, or Graduate Assistant for the fall, and this person is also working in the summer, create the Academic Year job first (such as Empl Rec 0), with an Effective Date equal to the Effective Date of the summer job.
  • Then, place the Academic Year job on a Short Work Break with the same Effective Date as the Hire, with a Sequenced Row = 1. The summer jobs may be added and hired as Empl Records 1, 2, etc.
  • If the Academic Year job was entered before the summer start date was known, open a WiscIT ASAP to request the Start Date of the Fall job be changed to the same Start Date as the summer job. Insurance deductions do NOT take from the Summer Session/Summer Service jobs.
  • In this example, insurance premiums will not be paid on the Academic Year job during the Summer because no Pre-pay Deductions were taken in the biweekly payrolls during March, April, and May. If the employee is hired for June or July, they will need to be set up for Benefits Billing to pay the appropriate premiums during the summer months. If the employee is hired for August, a Benefits Payline Adjustment will need to be set up for the first payroll of their Fall job.

Critical information for hiring Summer Session/Service employees only:

  • The continuity code must be 02A.
  • Pay Basis must be Summer Session or Summer Service, even if the person is paid a lump sum.
Click on the links below to skip directly to a section:


Add/Update Position Info

  1. HRS Navigation: Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/Budgets > Add/Update Position Info > Add New Value or update last summer's position(s)
  2. Continuity: Must be 02A for Summer Service and Summer Session positions.
  3. Pay Basis: Summer Session (teaching) or Summer Service (performing research/administrative).  Summer Session is charged to the future Fiscal Year.
  4. Standard Hours: Update as appropriate; FTE will default from Standard Hours
  5. Save the Position and make note of the Position Number before exiting the page.
  6. All other required fields on position must be completed/updated as well; see Managing Position Data in HRS.


Job Data

  1. HRS Navigation: Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Organizational Relationship > New Employment Instance
  2. Effective Date: This date should be the start of the appointment or contract. The dates for the Summer Session or Summer Service should NOT overlap with the Academic Year position.

  3. Action: Select Hire or Rehire

  4. Reason: Original/New Hire or Original/New Hire (Concurrent Job)

  5. Position Number: Enter the position number that was saved earlier; the Department, Location, FTE, and Standard Hours will default from Position

  6. Expected Job End Date (EJED): The Summer job will be automatically terminated with an Effective Date equal to the EJED plus ONE (1) day.

    Work Location Tab

  7. On the Job Information tab, the Job Code, Empl Class and Pay Basis will default from the Position information.
  8. Click the Compensation tab.
  9. Click the Default Pay Components button. This will default Rate Code, bottom Frequency and other fields.
  10. Rate Code: Verify this is NAANNL (North America Annual).
  11. Comp Rate: Enter the dollar amount of the employee's compensation rate.
  12. Verify that the bottom Frequency field is A (Annual).
  13. Verify or edit the top Frequency. Must be 9B to ensure the bi-weekly salary calculates correctly.
  14. Click the Calculate Compensation button.
  15. Verify that the Compensation Rate (in the top Compensation section) is correct.

    Compensation Tab image

  16. Click the UW Custom tab.

a. Continuity: Defaults from Position information; verify it is 02A.

b. In the Probation section, update the Probation Type to "Not Required."

UW Custom Tab visible

  1. The UW Benefits tab will be automatically populated via overnight processing to match the employee's benefits primary job.
  2. Click Save.

Warning Sign   NOTE: Academic Year Employees SHOULD NOT be paid on their Academic Year job during the summer months.

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Keywordsadditional employee instance short work break auto termination expected job end date EJED SWB SS SV position JOB AS Academic Year Short Work Break deduction pre-pay C-Basis fall hires contract 9-month 9M continuity 02A fringe leave of absence   Doc ID17300
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-03-13 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:48:40
SitesUW–Shared Services
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