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Reviewing the HRS Edit Report Delivered via Cypress


The Payroll Edit Report is used to verify payroll data before the final payroll calc/confirm each pay period. Information to be reviewed on the edit report includes: payroll funding adds or changes entered on the Funding Data Entry page in HRS; appointment adds or changes made on the employee's HR Job Data record in HRS; status of the employee's WRS (Wisconsin Retirement System) indicator; status of the employee's FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) indicator. Users of this report will be at the department, division, campus and UWSS Service Operations levels. The report will be delivered via Cypress and will also be available to run ad hoc by campuses, divisions and departments as needed. This document describes how to review the Payroll Edit Report delivered via Cypress.
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The Payroll Edit Report will be processed for a specific Pay Run ID (payroll period).  It may also be run for a specific Business Unit (campus) or a specific Department within a Business Unit.  The report will be sorted by Business Unit, Department (appointment/job department) and Name.  The report contains information in the following columns:

  1. EmplID - the numeric employee identifier used in PeopleSoft
  2. Name - the name of the employee to be paid
  3. Empl Class - an attribute assigned to a job record for job groups with similar attributes (appointment type)
  4. Job Code - a numeric (university staff and student hourly) or alpha-numeric (FAASLI) value that corresponds to a job title
  5. Job Title - the job title corresponding to the Job Code
  6. Empl Rcd - the Employee Record # identifies an individual job that an employee holds with the university.  Employees may have multiple Employee Records when they actively hold more than one job at the university.
  7. Position Number - A position is a defined place in the organization that is continually filled by an employee.  PeopleSoft uses positions to default specific information about a position into the job record.  Each position has a unique position number.
  8. Fund Dist Eff Date - the funding effective date of the funding distribution on the Budget Funding Entry page
  9. Account Code - the funding combination that will be interfaced to the Shared Financial System (SFS) including fund, department ID, program, project and account
  10. WRS - the Wisconsin Retirement System indicator, Y = yes, N = no
  11. FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) - the FICA indicator; E = Exempt, N = Non-Exempt (Subject to FICA), M = Medicare Only
  12. Pay Frq - Pay Frequency defines how often an employee is paid; 9B = Biweekly Academic, B = Biweekly Annual, H = Hourly
  13. Ern Code - the Earnings Code established in payroll to record the payment
  14. Hours/Amount - this field represents either the number of hours to be paid (for hourly employees the number of hours from Time & Labor and Absence Management, for FAASLI employees the standard hours derived from the FTE; or the dollar amount).  Keep in mind that both hours and amounts can be either a positive or a negative number.
  15. Pay Rate - for hourly employees this represents the official hourly pay rate, for FAASLI employees this represents the PeopleSoft calculated hourly rate
  16. Monthly Rate - for FAASLI employees this is their biweekly salary calculated based upon their FTE; for hourly employees this field will be blank
  17. Fund ($/%) - The percentage of this payment charged to this specific funding string.  The funding percentages must total 100%.
  18. Funding Amount - the amount being paid on this funding string.
  19. Fund Level - The funding level follows a hierarchy of Appointment (Appt) (EmplID + Empl Rcd), Position (Pos), and Department (Dept).  If no funding is assigned at any of these levels or the account code is invalid, a Suspense (Susp) chartfield combination will be assigned to the payment.  For more information on salary funding levels assigned at the time of payroll processing, refer to HRS KnowledgeBase document 21872, Salary Funding Levels Assigned During Payroll Processing in HRS 

Payroll Edit Report Sample

Some of the notable items to verify/correct when reviewing the Payroll Edit Report include:

  1. Empl Rcd - verify that the employee will be paid for all Empl Rcds (jobs) that they are expected to be paid from during the current pay period.
  2. WRS - verify that the correct WRS indicator is listed
  3. All Suspense funding should be cleaned up prior to the Final Calculation process.  An Account Code of 128-PRSUSP-1-xxxx indicates that the funding is defaulting to the Suspense account.  When the payment defaults to the Suspense funding, the Fund Level will indicate "Susp" and the Fund ($/%) will display as 0.000.  Suspense funding will default if the employee is missing funding for all or part of their pay period. 
  4. If a section titled Error Section (Employees with no/partial Funding Information) is listed, all Empl Rcd must have their funding corrected.

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Keywordspayroll edit funding edit WRS edit FICA status checksheet Cypress PER hire rehire PY, Payroll PY, Payroll PY, Payroll   Doc ID17296
OwnerMelanie K.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-03-13 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:55:12
SitesUW–Shared Services
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