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Entering Job Code Changes in HRS


Job Code changes may occur for a variety of reasons including promotion, educational attainment, reallocation or progression within a Job Code series. In order to change Job Codes and pay rates, the changes must begin with Position and then flow to Job.

Process Considerations:

  • If a Position has multiple incumbents, all Jobs associated with that Position will change. If this is not the desired case, the incumbent(s) to change should be transferred to a different Position.
  • Changes to Position will flow to Job. Review Job Data to confirm.
  • To add a rate change, a sequenced row must be added on Job.
  • If the change needs to be made to a historical row on job, contact your Affinity Group.
  • To find Position number from Job, see Searching For an Employee's Position Number From Job Info in HRS
  • When adding a Job Code change row, the Officer Code on the Job Information tab reverts to the default value assigned to the Job Code.  For the vast majority of Job Codes, the default value is 'N' for None.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Updating Job Code on Position

(Skip to next section if employee is not assigned to a Position.)
    1. HRS Navigation: Organizational Development > Position Management > Maintain Positions/Budget > Add/Update Position Info.
    2. Enter position information.
    3. Click Search.
    4. If necessary, select position from list.
    5. Add a Row using the "+" symbol.
    6. If necessary, update the Effective Date.
    7. Click the magnifying glass to see Job Code change Reasons.
    8. Select the appropriate Job Code change Reason.
    9. Go to Job Code and select a new Code from the search feature.
    10. Update the Empl Class and Continuity Status fields if necessary.
    11. Update Standard Hours, if necessary.
      Change Job Code on Position
    12. On the Specific Information tab, verify Update Incumbents is checked.
    13. Click Save.
      Change Job Code on Position Update Incumbents

Review or Update Job Code on Job

  1. HRS Navigation: Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data
  2. Search by Empl ID and Empl Record; check the Include History checkbox.
  3. For employees assigned to a Position:  In most cases, an effective-dated Job Data row will be added when you save the Position change. If the Job Data row was created and appears correct, skip step 4 and continue with step 5.
  4. For employees not assigned to a Position, or if the Position change did not trigger a new Job Data row, follow the steps below to enter a Job Data row manually.
  1. Click '+' to add a new row
  2. Effective Date : use the same date entered on Position, if applicable
  3. Effective Sequence: if the prior Job row had the same Effective Date, increase value by 1; otherwise leave at 0
  4. Click Calculate Status and Dates button if it appears.
  5. Action:
       Position Change for employees assigned to a Position
       Data Change for employees not assigned to a Position
  6. Action Reason:
      For employees assigned to a Position, use the same reason entered on Position
      For employees not assigned to a Position, select Change Job Code - NO Position
  7. Copy the Position number, delete it, and press Tab.
  8. Paste the Position number and press Tab
  9. Verify the new Job Code is displayed on the Job Information tab.
  10. Save
Verify Job Code on Job Info tab
  1. Click the Job Information tab and verify whether the Officer Code has the same value as the previous row.
  • Job Code changes automatically revert Officer Code back to the default value assigned to the Job Code.  For the vast majority of Job Codes, the default Officer Code is 'None.'
  • The Officer Codes below will be set back to 'None' whenever an employee's Job Code changes:
    • Federal Retirement
    • VA Hospital Employee
    • USDA
    • Faculty Status
  • The following Officer Codes are assigned to specific Job Codes:
    • Executive Unclass Retirement
    • Protective Retirement
    • Craftworker Supervisor
  • See Officer Code Listing Job Aid for HRS for more information.
  • If your Job Code change row has a different Officer Code than the previous row, you may need to update the Officer Code to match its previous value.  Verify with employing unit.
    • Follow the steps below to update Officer Code:
      • Click '+' button to add a new Job Data row
      • Effective Date: same Effective Date as the Job Code change row
      • Effective Sequence: one higher than the preceding row
      • Click the Calculate Status and Dates button if it appears
      • Action: Data Change
      • Action Reason: Job Data Update Misc
      • Job Information tab: update Officer Code
      • Save
        Officer Code
    1. Update Probation Type and Probation End Date on the UW Custom tab, if necessary. See Entering a Probation Change (Extension) in HRS for instructions.
    2. If the employee's pay rate also needs to be changed, a new row must be added.  See Entering Pay Rate Changes in HRS for instructions.

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    KeywordsReclass change in duties reallocation title changes promotion progression job code changes HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID17281
    OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
    Created2011-03-13 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:39
    SitesUW–Shared Services
    Feedback  0   0