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Reviewing the Earnings Encumbrance Messages Report in HRS


This user procedure describes what action is needed for each error listed on the Earnings Encumbrance Messages Report generated as a result of the Nightly Encumbrance and/or Fiscal Year Encumbrance processes. This report prints earnings encumbrance processing error messages.

Process Considerations:

  • This report will be scheduled to run in nightly batch processing immediately after the Nightly Encumbrance process and delivered via Cypress.
  • Encumbrance processing is part of the nightly batch schedule. Changes/corrections to encumbrances made during the business day will be processed overnight. Thus, users will not be able to determine if their actions resolved the processing error until the Encumbrance Message Report is reviewed on the following business day.
  • UWEAU and UWOSH are not currently using encumbrances.
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Encumbrance Error Messages Table & Action Needed

The table below represents a list of configured encumbrance error messages that may appear on the report.

  1. Locate the Msg ID and Message text on the Encumbrance Message Report.

  2. Use the table below to determine what action is required by whom to resolve the encumbrance processing error. The Message text on the report may include employee–specific information appearing in all CAPS. This detailed information is specific to the job with the encumbrance processing error.
    • Note: Encumbrance processing is part of the nightly batch schedule. Changes/corrections to encumbrances made during the business day will be processed overnight. Thus, users will not be able to determine if their actions resolved the processing error until the Encumbrance Message Report is reviewed on the following business day.
Message ID Short Description Long Description Action Needed
000001 Funding level not found The funding level for the Employee/Position/Job Requisition being processed was not found. Check the Dept Budget or Encumb Default tables to make sure funding has been established. Add or correct funding; also contact UWSS- Service Operations to confirm encumbrance definition.
000002 Dept Budget Ern indx > maximum Department Budget Ern Array is being built. The index exceeds the maximum size defined in the program. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000003 Encumbrance funds exhausted The amount of money to be encumbered has exceeded the funding amount available for this particular Dept/Pool Id/Position/Emplid, Empl Rcd# combination. Increase the amount of funding in Dept Budget Earnings table to resolve. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000004 Sal Adm Plan, Grade not found Salary Admin. Plan and Grade were not found on the Jobcode for the Jobcode being processed. If the Salary Admin. Plan and Grade exist on the Jobcode table, adjust the effective date of the record to make it effective as of the date being processed. If the Salary Admin. Plan and Grade do NOT exist, add them to the Jobcode table. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (configuration issue)
000005 Annual Rate not found Annual Rate on the Salary Step table was not found for the salary admin. plan, grade, effective date combination being processed. If it doesn't exist, add it to the Salary Step table. If it does exist, adjust the effective date to be effective as of the date being processed. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (configuration issue)
000006 Position Paygroup not found While processing a Position Encumbrance, the Regular Earnings Earn Code could not be found on the Paygroup table for the Company/Paygroup combination being processed. Either add the Company/Paygroup combination (and Regular Earnings Earn Code) to the Paygroup table or adjust the effective date to be effective as of the date being processed. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000007 Contract information not found Contract Pay information could not be found on the Contract Pay table for the Employee being processed. Either add a record for this employee to the Contract Pay table or change the employee's comp frequency to another value. N/A – Contract Pay is not being used or encumbered.
000008 Employee Paygroup not found While processing an Employee Encumbrance, the Regular Earnings Earn Code could not be found on the Paygroup table for the Company/Paygroup combination being processed. Either add the Company/Paygroup combination (and the Regular Earnings Earn Code) to the Paygroup table or adjust the effective date to be effective as of the date being processed. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000009 Budget Sequence not found Budget Sequence, Account Code, Budget Amount, and the Distribution Percentage were not found on the Department Budget Earnings table for the funding level/Earnings Code being processed. If the funding level/Earnings Code combination is already on the Department Budget Earnings table, the effective date may need to be adjusted to be effective as of the date being processed. If the funding level/Earnings Code combination does not exist on the table, it should be added. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (funding setup issue)
000010 Reg Earnings Erncd not found While processing Job Requisitions not under Position Management (ie. Position # on Job Requisition is blank), the Regular Earnings Earn code was not found for the Department associated with the Job Requisition. Enter the Regular Earnings Earn code on the Paygroup table effective as of the fiscal year end. To find out what Company/Paygroup combination needs the Reg. Earnings Earn code entered: Effective as of the fiscal year end, find the Company on the Department table for the Deptid being processed. Next, retrieve Paygroup from the Company table for Company in question. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (configuration issue)
000011 Job Earn Dist not found The Job Earnings Distribution Type indicator on the Job record indicates that this Appointment should have a record on Job Earnings Distribution table. No record could be found on the Job Earnings Distribution table for this Appointment effective as of the date being processed. Either add the record to the Job Earnings Distribution table or change the Job Earnings Distribution Type indicator to 'N'. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (configuration issue)
000012 Position data not found No position data record was found to determine the position pool id for the position number below. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (position pools are not being used)
000013 HR Currency not found HR Currency not found for selected Company & Paygroup. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000014 Offset Account not found Offset Account not found for selected department & activity. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000015 Account Code Invalid/Inactive Account Code is Invalid or Inactive. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations (ACCT_CD_TBL configuration issue)
000016 Currency Error Incorrect currency information set up for currency conversion from HR to GL. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000017 Currency Error: 0 Divisor rate Divisor rate is zero for currency codes. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000018 Currency Error: invalid rates Currency rates are invalid for currency codes. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000019 Appl Journal ID Not Found Appl Journal ID was not found for Business Unit. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000020 Comp Rate data not found No JobCode Comp Rate record found for the specified jobcode to determine the annual salary for further processing. Contact your HR Department to enter the employee comp rate
000021 Salary Grade data not found No Salary Grade record found for the specified SetID, Salary Admin Plan, Salary Grade and Effdt combination to determine the annual salary for further processing. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (HR configuration issue with salary grade table)
000022 Multi-Level Budget Dept found Multi-Level of Budgeting Department is not supported. The budgeting Department ID specified on Department Table must be defined as a valid budget department. Contact UWSS-Service Operations (multi-level budgets are not being used)
000023 Department Table not found No Department table record found for the specified SetID, DeptID combination. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000024 Amount Posted to Suspense Acct The budget amount has been exceeded, the encumbrance amount has been posted to the suspense account defined to the department. Update funding
000025 Posted to Excess Account The budget amount has been exceeded, the encumbrance amount has been posted to the account defined to the department as being allowed to overspend budget. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000026 Suspense Account Code Missing The Suspense Account is missing from the Department Budget Table. Contact UWSS-Service Operations
000030 Budget Actuals Not Found Budget Actuals was not found for Commitment Control document ID. Program terminated unsuccessfully.
Correct Above Errors and Restart Program
Contact UWSS-Service Operations

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KeywordsEncumber Error PAYGL03 Nightly Encumbrance FIN 9.00 UWFIR003 FN Finance FI   Doc ID17146
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-03-02 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:55:11
SitesUW–Shared Services
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