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Adding Events to the BAS Activity Table in HRS


The Benefit Administration System (BAS) Activity Table is the temporary holding place for Events that are automatically created when rows are added to an employee's Job Data record, when address changes are made, or when the UWSS Service Operations runs annual processes such as the ICI Annual Process or the Open Enrollment Process. Other events, such as ADM, SAV, and/or UIA Events are manually created by the Benefit Administrator to enroll or make changes to an employee's benefit plan enrollments. This document walks you through adding a manual event to the BAS Activity Table.

Process Considerations:

  • Only one ADM, SAV, or UIA Event is needed for a specific Effective Date (or Coverage Begin Date) to make all required enrollments or changes.
  • Verify the enrollment policy rules for any insurance plans to determine the correct effective date by referencing the OHRWD Benefits Website.
  • ADM Events are used for enrollment changes to Health, Life, Disability, Flexible Spending Accounts, and Health Savings Accounts. (Note: an FSA Event can be used if a change is needed for Flexible Spending Account, Limited Purpose Flexible Spending Accounts, or Health Savings Accounts only.  Otherwise campus administrators can continue to use ADM Events for this purpose.)
  • SAV Events are used for enrollment changes to Wisconsin Deferred Compensation (WDC) and/or Tax Sheltered Annuities (TSA).
  • UIA Events are used to reinstate the University Insurance Association insurance plan when an employee has been termed in error and rehired into the same position/job on the same day.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


1.  Verify whether an ADM, SAV, or UIA Event already exists for the effective date you need before adding a new Event by navigating to:  

Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment >Events > On Demand Event Maintenance.

2.  Enter the employee's Empl_ID and click the Search button.

On-Demand Event Maintenance

3.  The employee's On Demand Event Maintenance screen will be displayed. 

  • If an Event has been added and has already been Scheduled/Prepared, you will need to Re-Open the existing Event and make any entries/changes on the existing Event.  For more information on re-opening/reprocessing Events, please reference: Reprocessing Events Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS
  • If an Event has been added to the BAS Activity Table and it has not yet been Scheduled/Prepared, you will see the Event displayed as "pending" on the top of the page as shown below:

9.2 Pending

4. If there are no Events pending, click on the Event Status Update button to verify that an ADM Event doesn't already exist in On Demand Event Maintenance with the effective date you need.

Event Status

5.  If no Event currently exists, you will need to manually add that Event to the BAS Activity Table.

6.  Navigate to:  Benefits > Manage Automated Enrollment > Events > Review BAS Activity. 

7.  Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the /images/group426/16921/PlusButton.png icon to add a new row:

BAS Activity Table

8.  Enter the employee's ID number into the Empl ID field.

9.  Today's date will default in the Event Date field. Change this date to the effective date (Coverage Begin Date) you need for this enrollment.

10.  Enter the type of Event you want to create into the BAS Action field. 

  • Manually created events include: ADM (Administrative), SAV (Savings), and UIA (University Insurance Association).

11.  Once you've entered this information, click the Save button to finalize the addition to the BAS Activity table.

9.2 BAS Activity Add Info

12.  The Event will now be Pending on the employee's On Demand Event Maintenancescreen.

9.2 Pending 2

For information on how to process Events using On Demand Event Maintenance, please reference: Enrolling, Changing, or Canceling Coverage Using On Demand Event Maintenance in HRS .

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Benefits, Benefit Administration, ADM, SAV, FSA, Event, BN, UIA, Ben Admin, BN Admin, On Demand Event Maintenance, BN, Benefits BN, Benefits 
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Jack R. in UW–Shared Services
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