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Running the Deduction Prepay Load Status Query in HRS


The Deduction Prepay Load Status (UW_BN_PREPAY_LOAD_STATUS) query was created to provide Administrators the ability to review all employees setup on the Deduction Prepay Review Page prior to and after deduction prepay is loaded to payroll. The UWSS Service Operations will run a process to automatically setup Academic (C-Basis) employees on the Deduction Prepay Review Page for the March, April and May payrolls in anticipation of Short Work Break during the summer. All other employees can be manually setup prior to an anticipated Leave of Absence or Short Work Break directly on the Deduction Prepay Review Page.

Process Considerations:

  • Academic (C-Basis) employees are automatically setup on the Deduction Prepay Review Page based on the Benefit Primary Empl Record at the end of February for March, April, and May in preparation for the summer short work break. 
    • Employees must be enrolled in Benefit Plans at that time.
  • Employees can be manually setup for leave of absences anytime prior to the Deduction Prepay being added to the paycheck which is two days prior to each payroll confirm. 
  • The 'OK to Process' check on the Deduction Prepay Review Page can be removed prior to the Deduction Prepay Load to Payroll to prevent deductions if needed.  
    • NOTE:  Unchecking the 'OK to Process' checkbox will remove the check mark for all Plan Types for that particular payroll.
  • The query can be run after the Deduction Prepay Load to Payroll to verify which employees have been successfully loaded to payroll.
    • Status ‘Not Processed’ will identify employees setup with “OK to Process” checked. These will be manually reviewed and fixed by the UWSS.
    • Status ‘Loaded to Payroll’ will identify employees whose deduction prepay was setup on the paycheck.
  • Determine who will be returning in the fall and need summer prepay deductions.
    • When in doubt, start with the employee.
    • Follow up with the division/department/institution for the fall semester appointment to confirm.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section: 


1.  Navigate to: Reporting Tools → Query → Query Viewer

2.  Enter UW_BN_PREPAY_LOAD_STATUS into the search criteria and click Search button.
  Query Search
3.  You are shown the Search Results below. 

4. To view the query, click the link to Run to Excel.
9.2 Run to Excel
5.  Once you click on the Run to Excel link, a new page will open.  On that page, enter your Department or first character and %.
  • Example:  Enter A% into the Department field 
6.  Enter the Pay Run ID into the Pay Run ID field to determine which payroll you are reviewing. 
  • Note:  you can also search for your Pay Run ID by clicking on the magnifying glass.
7. Select the Load to Payroll Status value from the drop down menu.  The following will provide direction on which Load to Payroll Status to choose:
  • Two Days Before Payroll Confirm:
    • Not Processed:  The value should be selected to review and determine if Academic (C-Basis) employees automatically setup for the summer should have deduction prepay based on expectation of fall return.  In addition, you can review employees manually setup for leave of absence throughout the year.
  • Day Before Payroll Confirm or later:
    • Not Processed:  The value should be selected after the deduction prepay has been added to the paycheck.  The query will identify employees that did not successfully load to paychecks.  No action is required since the UWSS Service Operations will be reviewing and fixing as appropriate.  One common reason for Plan Types to not process is the benefit is zero cost to the employee.
    • Processed:  The value should be selected after the deduction prepay has been added to the paycheck.  The query will identify employees who successfully loaded to paychecks.  Please contact UW Shared Services if you identify an issue with an employee loaded and you expected different results.
8.  After you enter your criteria, click View Results.
9.2 Run Control Parameters
9.  Open the query using Microsoft Excel by clicking OK or Open depending on your internet browser.

10.  The report will only display employees checked 'OK to Process' for the payroll.  Review the results and determine a course of actions if needed.
  • Please contact UWSS Service Operations if you notice a processed deduction prepay that is not appearing on a paycheck as expected.  
  • Note:  An employee may appear on the report with multiple rows if they were setup in deduction prepay for more than one insurance plan.
Sample Report:
Sample Report
The data appearing in the report includes:
a)  Business Unit:  Displays employee's Business Unit the deduction prepay was setup under.
b)  Department:  Displays employee's Department the deduction prepay was setup under.
c)  Prepay Source:  Displays the value of Leave of Absence (LOA) (please note MAY is no longer used).
d)  EMPLID:  Displays employees' Employee ID.
e)  Empl Rcd#:  Displays employee's Employee Record number the deduction prepay was setup under.
f)  Name:  Displays employee's name.
g)  Empl Status:  Displays' the employee status.  For example:  Active (A), Leave of Absence (L), Leave with Pay (P), Short Work Break (W) and Terminated (T).
h)  Ben Program:  A benefit program indicates the collection of benefits available to the employee.  For an explanation of benefit program values refer to Benefit Program Assignment Job Aid for HRS 
i)  Plan Type:  A list of Plan Type are available in Plan Types, Benefit Plans, and Payroll Deductions Job Aid in HRS.
j)  Coverage Elect:  The values represents if the employee is currently enrolled.  For example,  E for 'Elect', W for 'Waived', and 'T' for 'Termed' coverage.
k)  Benefit Plan:  A list of Benefit Plans are available in Plan Types, Benefit Plans, and Payroll Deductions Job Aid in HRS.
l).  Company:  UWS is the value for all employees.
m)  Pay Group:  Displays the pay group the prepay was loaded under.  A list of Pay Groups is available in Pay Group Descriptions in HRS.
n)  Pay Period End:  Lists the end date of the pay period end date of pay run id.
o)  Off Cycle:  Indicates whether or not the paycheck was paid as part of regular on-cycle processing (shows as 'N' in this field) or was created as an off-cycle check or adjustment (shows as 'Y' in this field).
p)  Pay Run ID:  The pay period the deduction prepay was setup to take.
q)  Prepay Factor:  Indicates how many additional deductions should be taken for this employee on the specified Pay Run ID (i.e., pay period).
r)  PREATX_AMT(A):  The calculated Deduction Prepay After Tax amount for each Plan Type.
s)  PREBTX_AMT(B):  The calculated Deduction Prepay Before Tax amount for each Plan Type.
t)  PRETAX_AMT(T):  The calculated Deduction Prepay Taxable Tax amount for each Plan Type.
u)  Loaded to Payroll:  The value represents if the Deduction Prepay has loaded to payroll (L) or not processed (N).

Additional Resources

Related KBs:

Related Links:

KeywordsMay Multiples LOA SWB Short Work Break Leave of Absence Seasonal UW_BN_PREPAY_LOAD_STATUS Benefits set aside money setting aside money prepay bucket Deduction Prepay Review Page Deduction Prepay Balance BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID16478
OwnerChristina S.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2011-01-08 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:55:11
SitesUW–Shared Services
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