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Entering Tenure Tracking in HRS


This procedure provides instruction on how to complete the initial Tenure Data for faculty appointments. It also explains how to update the fields when needed, whether to add a tenure clock extension, grant tenure, or change the tenure FTE tied to a specific department.

Process Considerations:

  • This section should be used for faculty appointments only (Empl Class FA). Probation for other Employee Classes is handled in the Job Data section of PeopleSoft.
  • When a faculty appointment job is created, the Accrue Tenure Services checkbox must be checked; see Hiring Employees Using a Position in HRS.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:


Creating a Tenure or Non-Tenure on Track Appointment

    1. Navigate to Workforce Administration > Job Information > Job Data.

      2. Search for the employee by Empl ID or name.

        3. Select the Employment Data hyperlink on the bottom of the page.

          4. Click on the flag icon.

            5. Make sure the Accrue Tenure Services checkbox is checked; if not checked, check and save (does not require new Job Data row).

              • When a faculty appointment job is created, the Accrue Tenure Services checkbox must be checked; checking this box will populate Track Start Date, Change Date, Tenure Home, Grant Tenure, and Committed FTE fields on the Create Tenure Data page once a Tenure Status is selected.
                • No other fields in the Employment Data/USA flag section require entry or update.

                    6. Navigate to Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Create Tenure Data.

                      7. Search for the employee by Empl ID or name.

                        8. Select appropriate Tenure Status (Non-Tenure on Track or Tenure).

                        • Unless the Effective Date of the Hire on job is in the future, details of the job, such as Track Start Date, Tenure Home and FTE, will populate fields on the tenure page.
                        • If the job is future dated, these fields require manual entry.

                          9. Select the correct Home Rank corresponding to the Job Code for the faculty position.

                            10. Enter the Change Date (today's date), and the Change Reason (New, Correction, or Promotion)

                            • NOTE: When creating the record for the first time the Change Date should be equal to the Track Start Date and the Change Reason = New.

                              11. Review/Enter the Tenure Home (which is the Department from Job Data), and modify as necessary.

                              • The Department must be active.
                              • If there are multiple Tenure Homes, enter them in the Other Tenure Department list.

                                12. For faculty with a status of Non-Tenure on Track, enter the Tenure Target Date

                                • The end of the tenure clock, including the notice year, should be the end of the academic or fiscal year 7 years in the future for a person with no prior service.

                                  13. Enter the Mandatory Review Date, which is set by faculty policies and procedures by each campus

                                  • Should be the end of the academic of fiscal year 6 years in the future for a person with no prior service, since this would exclude the notice year if tenure is denied.
                                  • Any future changes to this date will be manual.

                                    14. Review/Enter the Committed FTE for the faculty appointment, and modify if necessary (only necessary if there are multiple tenure homes). 

                                    • This field represents the total FTE of a person's faculty appointment, and should not be modified unless the FTE on the faculty appointment is permanently changed. 

                                      15. In the Probation section, enter the Total Required years for the length of the probation. (7 years for full time faculty).

                                      • If person is hired with tenure, this section is not used.

                                        16. If person is hired with tenure, enter the tenure Granted Date to coincide with the Track Start Date.

                                        17. In the Other Tenure Department List section, enter the Department, Tenure Status, Begin Date and FTE for the Tenure Home listed in the top section of the Create Tenure Data page - Tenure Data tab.

                                        **Important - The information needs to also be entered in this section in order to track status changes and the dates in which changes occur. It is also required to be entered in this section in order to appear on any faculty reports. For faculty with tenure in more than one Department, the additional Tenure Home(s) should be entered here.

                                        Create Tenure or Non Tenure Replace

                                        18. If applicable, click on Prior Experience/Credits tab.

                                        19. Select the Exp/Credit type "OTH," enter a date in the From Date field and To Date field (optional), and enter the years of prior service in the Credit Granted field.

                                        20. Check/Uncheck the Add to Tenure box to indicate if the prior experience should count toward the tenure clock.

                                        21. Add additional Prior Experience/Credits rows and check the Add to Tenure box, as applicable.

                                        Prior Experience Replace

                                        22. Click Save.

                                        Changing the Tenure Status and Updating Other Tenure Department List

                                          1. Navigate to Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Create Tenure Data.

                                            2. Find the employee (search by Empl ID or name).

                                              3. If applicable, select a new Tenure Status (Non-Tenure on Track or Tenure).

                                                4. Enter the Change Date (today's date), and the Change Reason (New, Correction, or Promotion).

                                                  5. If the person has received tenure, enter the Tenure Granted Date.

                                                    6. In the Other Tenure Department List section, make any necessary updates.

                                                    • If the person has received tenure, an End Date should be entered on the current line in which the Status is "On Track."
                                                    • A new entry needs to be made with the status of Tenure, and the effective date of this change.

                                                    other tenure dept list

                                                    7. Click Save.

                                                    Tenure Clock Extension

                                                      1. Navigate to Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > Create Tenure Data.

                                                        2. Find the employee (search by Empl ID or name).

                                                          3. In the Extension section, enter the Extension Reason Code, Approval Date, and Length of Extension.

                                                            4. Manually update the Tenure Target Date and Mandatory Review Date to account for the extension(s).


                                                            5. Click Save.

                                                            Post Tenure Review

                                                              1. Navigate to Workforce Development > Faculty Events > Calculate Tenure > UW Relationships.

                                                                2. Find the employee (search by Empl ID or name).

                                                                3. Add/Modify a new Relationship by adding the Department, Type: the Post Tenure Review type, the associated Action/Relationship, Begin and End Date.
                                                                • Department, Type, Action/Relationship, and End Date are mandatory fields.
                                                                • The Action/Relationship dropdown allows user to select from Completed or Deferred.
                                                                • Begin Date is not mandatory.
                                                                Faculty Relationships Replace
                                                                4. Click Save.

                                                                KeywordsFaculty Granted Date Prior Service Tenure Clock Extension Mandatory Review Date FA post home credit   Doc ID15815
                                                                OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
                                                                Created2010-11-29 21:00:00Updated2024-05-14 12:48:39
                                                                SitesUW–Shared Services
                                                                Feedback  0   0