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Adding a Person in HRS


This procedure walks you through the steps to add a new person to HRS.

Process Considerations:

warning sign Before creating any new person in HRS, you must search HRS to ensure the person is unique/new to the system. See Searching for Existing Person in HRS.

  • If a match is found in HRS, do not add the person again. You will not use this procedure document. Instead, refer to the following:
  • For those institutions using TAM for recruiting, see Hiring a TAM Applicant from Manage Hires in HRS.
  • For a foreign-national employee, an email address of type Business Other must be entered as soon as possible so that Glacier third-party software can contact the employee to determine substantial presence and evaluate applicable tax treaties.
  • If you enter a value for an email address type of "Business," it will be overwritten by the IAM/Person Hub interface with the campus email address.
  • If you enter a value for an email address type of "Student" or "Student Other," it will be overwritten by the Person Hub/SIS interface with the campus SIS student email address(es).
  • Preferred phone is defined as the primary phone number at which the employee wishes to be contacted for business purposes.  Only phone types of "Business" and "Business Other" should be marked Preferred.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Instructions for Searching for Existing Person in HRS

Before creating any new person in HRS, you must search HRS to ensure the person is unique/new to the system. Follow all steps in Searching for Existing Person in HRS.

NOTE: If an Empl ID was found when searching for matching persons with existing HRS data, do not use this page. Instead, follow the steps at Modifying Person Data in HRS, Rehiring an Employee in HRS, or Adding an Employment Instance (Non-Madison) in HRS.

If an existing Empl ID was found only in Legacy/EPM, or if no existing Empl ID was found at all, continue with the next steps.

Instructions for Adding a Person

  1. Navigate to Workforce Administration > Personal Information > Add a Person.

    "NEW" defaults in the Person ID field.
  2. If an Empl ID was NOT found in HRS or Legacy/EPM, leave the Person ID as NEW.
    If an Empl ID was found in Legacy Person Search, change "NEW" to the Empl ID found in Legacy Person Search. HRS will then assign that same number as the Empl ID in HRS.
  3. Click the Add Person button.

Biographical Details tab

  1. In the Name section, leave the effective date as the current date or change it to the start date of the job, whichever is earlier.
  2. Click the Add Name button.

    biographical details screen name section
  3. Enter the legal name values, all in capital letters. Using all capitas when entering the name provides naming and sorting consistency across systems.
    • If the person's name is single name (e.g. CHER), use the following approach: Enter the single name into the last name field. Enter "FNU" in the first name field.  "FNU" is commonly accepted to stand for First Name Only.
    • If the person has both a primary (legal) name and preferred name, enter the preferred name using the Additional Name page. See Adding a Preferred Name in HRS.
  4. Click Refresh Name.
  5. Click the OK button.

    Name entry
  6. In the Biographic Information section, enter the employee's Date of Birth.
  7. In the Biographical History section, select the Gender from the drop-down list.
  8. Optional: Select Highest Education Level from the drop-down list.
  9. Optional: If you have the Marital Status, select it from the drop-down list. If you have it, enter the event date in the As of date field.
  10. If you have the Social Security Number, enter it in the National ID field. If you do not have the employee's Social Security Number, leave this field blank. Additional processing will be needed after you save, but do not save yet.
  11. Click the Contact Information tab.
biographical details

Contact Information tab

  1. In the Current Addresses section, click the Add Address Detail hyperlink. The Home Address Type is used on the W2 tax form.
  2. The country defaults to USA. You may select another country using the lookup icon if the employee's home address is outside the USA.
  3. Click the Add Address link.
  4. Enter the address.  If the street address is not recognized as valid, a list of possible valid addresses will show under suggestions. Enter the correct address.
  5. Click OK.

    Edit address screen
  6. Click OK again.
  7. To add Business or Business Other Address:
    1. Click the Plus Sign + to add an additional row.
    2. Select an Address Type of Business or Business Other.
    3. Click the Add Address Detail hyperlink.
    4. Click the Add Address hyperlink.
    5. Select the UW Institution from the drop-down list.
    6. Type the location code in the Locationtext box or click the Location look-up icon to select it from the list. This will complete the street, city and state portion of the address for you.
      1. A public query is available to view a current list of your institution's location codes.
      2. HRS Navigation: Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer > UW_HR_ACTIVE_LOCATIONS
      3. Must have HRS security role UW_UNV_HR_REPORTS to find and run the query.
    7. Add a Room # and/or Mail Drop ID if required for your institution.
    8. Click OK.
    9. Click OK again.

      business address
  8. To add additional addresses if you have them:
    1. Click the plus sign to add an additional row.
    2. Select Address Type from the drop-down list.
    3. Click the Add Address Detail hyperlink.
    4. The country defaults to USA.  You may select another country if the address is outside the USA.
    5. Click the Add Address hyperlink.
    6. Add the address details.
    7. Click OK.
    8. Click OK again.
    9. Repeat the steps above to add additional addresses.

      additional addresses
  9. To add Phone Information:
    1. Select the Phone Type from the drop down menu.
    2. Type the phone number in the Telephone text box.
    3. If applicable, enter the extension in the Extension text box.
    4. If you have additional phone numbers, click the plus sign to add an additional row, and repeat the steps above.
    5. If you added more than one phone number, click the Preferred check box next to the preferred number. Only phone types of "Business" and "Business Other" should be marked Preferred.

      phone numbers
  10. To add Email Addresses:
    1. Select Email Type from the drop-down menu.
    2. Type the email address in the Email Address text box.
    3. Click the plus sign to add an additional row to enter more email addresses if you have them. Then repeat the steps above.
    4. If you have entered more than one email address, click the Preferred check box.

      email addresses

Regional tab

  1. In the Ethnic Group section, if the employee has checked "yes" for the question "Is your ethnicity Hispanic/Latino?" click the magnifying glass next to the Ethnic Group field and select "HISPA".
  2. If the employee has checked "no" for the question "Is your ethnicity Hispanic/Latino?" click the magnifying glass and select the value for the race selected on the form.
  3. If the "Is your ethnicity Hispanic/Latino?" question is not answered and no race is checked, select "NSPEC" for Not Specified.
  4. If more than one race is checked:
    1. Click the plus sign to add an additional row.
    2. Select the appropriate code.
    3. Repeat steps above to add as many additional rows as needed.
    4. Click the View All link to see all rows at one time if desired. This can be a good way to confirm that all races have been entered.
    5. Do NOT click the Primary check box. This is not being used by UW.

      multiple races
  5. If Veteran Information has been provided, select the Military Status from the drop-down list. Refer to Adding Disability and Veterans Information in HRS.

UW Personal tab

  1. Enter the Adjusted Continuous Service Date for all WRS covered employees.  See Entering an Adjusted Continuous Service Date in HRS.
  2. If elected by the employee, click the checkbox for Release Home Information.
  3. Under the UW Additional Fields section, click the checkbox for Foreign Nat Working Outside US ONLY if all four conditions are met: 1) You are certain the individual will not pass the IRS Substantial Presence Test ( in the calendar years involved. 2) The individual will remain outside the U.S. throughout the time the checkbox is selected in HRS. 3) The individual has provided a Foreign Source Income Statement to their hiring department and UW Glacier Account Administrator. 4) The individual has provided an updated UW W-4 listing their work location outside the U.S
  4. In the Foreign Nat Working Inside the US section, click the checkbox for Applied for SSN or ITIN if the foreign national has applied for SSN or ITIN. For more information, see

    UW Personal tab

Organizational Relationships tab

  1. Click the Employee checkbox to select it.
  2. If you did not have a social security number for this person, follow these steps to add either a UW Reporting ID or an Individual Tax ID Number (ITIN) if you have that:
    1. Click the Save button. Read and correct any errors as necessary.
    2. Click the Biographical Details tab.
    3. Under the National ID section, note that the Social Security Number defaulted to XXX-XX-XXXX. Leave this as is until you have the social security number. Click the plus sign next to the social to add another row.
    4. Click the drop down arrow next to Social Security Number in the new row, and select Individual Tax ID Number or UW Reporting ID.
    5. In the national ID field, enter the ITIN or UW Reporting ID. The UW reporting ID is 000 followed by the last six digits of the Person ID. For example, if the Person ID, found at the top of the screen below the tabs, is 01047644, the UW Reporting ID would be 00047644.
    6. Click the Primary ID checkbox next to the ITIN or UW Reporting ID.
  3. If you will add the Job Data information later or if someone else will add the job information, click the Save button now.
  4. If you will add the Job Data information now, click the Add the Relationship button from the Organizational Relationships tab.

    Organizational Relationships tab
  5. Read and correct any error messages that appear.  Search Match automatically runs to identify potential duplicates. If the Search Results Screen appears:
    1. Review the Search Results carefully to determine if the employee you are adding already exists.
    2. Click Return to continue.
    3. If you have determined that a match for your new employee exists, click the Cancel button.
    4. If there is no match, click the OK button to continue adding your employee.
  6. If you selected Add the Relationship above, the system navigates directly to the page where job data is entered. Continue with adding the job information according to the appropriate KB. If you selected Save above, you can add the job information later by following Adding an Employment Instance (Non-Madison) in HRS.

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KeywordsSearch Match Hire a Person EPM Person Search National ID temporary id temp id Social Security Number ITIN add a person hire a person using a position hire a person into a job OFCCP hire rehire new employee HR, Human Resources HR, Human Resources   Doc ID15739
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2010-11-26 19:00:00Updated2024-05-14 10:46:56
SitesUW–Shared Services
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