Topics Map > Human Resource System (HRS) > Benefits Administration

Entering Benefits Billing Enrollments in HRS


Process Considerations:

  • Employees can only be enrolled into Benefits Billing for benefit plans in which they have elected. Refer to Review Benefit Enrollments in HRS.
    • See eligible plans below.
  • Benefits Billing needs to be set up for employees who fall under one of the following conditions:
    • Employee or department notifies benefits administrator of a pending leave and has submitted the LOA Checklist.
    • Employee has insufficient earnings to cover benefit premiums.
    • Prepay was not taken correctly for short work break.
    • Employee was laid off and elected to use sick leave credit to continue their state group health.
    • Employee missed premium deduction due to termination/retirement.
  • Each month the Benefits Billing statements are produced and mailed by UW-Shared Services. 
  • Benefits Billing payments are due by the 10th of the following month of which statements are created and mailed. 

Process Exceptions:

State Group Life (SGL) and Income Continuation Insurance (ICI)

  • Premium waivers are allowed in the case of a Medical LOA.
  • The employee must continue to pay their monthly premiums until a decision has been made on the waiver.
    • If payment is not made, the employee will forfeit any benefits that may be approved through the premium waiver.
  • If the waiver has been approved, then the institution is responsible for entering the update into HRS through an ADM event.
  • When the waiver has ended, the institution is responsible for removing the waiver in HRS through an ADM event.
  • Benefits Billing enrollment may stay active during the waiver period
    • The system will generate a charge of $0.00 if the premium waiver enrollment is correctly updated in HRS.

Individual and Family Group Life Insurance (I&F)

  • Premium waivers are allowed in the case of a Medical LOA and a 6 month waiting period must be met.
    • If the employee terminated prior to meeting the 6 month waiting period, then the employee will need to continue to pay premiums until the waiting period has been met.
    • If the employee has terminated, work with UW System Human Resources. UWSHR will work with UWSS to update HRS and set up Benefits Billing charge(s).
  • After a decision on the waiver has been received, HRS will be updated by UWSS, along with any premium adjustments as needed.

Worker's Compensation (WC)

  • If there is a delay in the determination of a claim, the employee will only be eligible for employer share towards SGH and ICI for an additional 3 months.
  • If the claim is later approved, after the additional 3 months of employer share, the employee will be reimbursed the premium difference.
  • If the employee selects to lapse coverage while the determination is being made, they will not be able to reinstate coverage until the LOA is deemed over.
You may click on the links below to navigate directly to a section:

Benefits Billing Reasons

Billing Reasons

Instructions for Enrolling

Before setting up the enrollment, review the following information:
  • Review Arrears to verify no payroll deductions were missed and sent to arrears. If an arrears balance has been created, contact UWSS to review and adjust.
    • Payroll for North America > Periodic Payroll Events USA > Balance Reviews >Arrears
  • Review Current Benefits Summary to verify the employee's benefit enrollments. Use this screen to key the Benefits Billing enrollments. 
    • Benefits > Review Employee Benefits > Current Benefits Summary.
  • Review the last deductions taken to verify which billing periods to set up using the Review Paycheck query (UW_BN_REVIEW_PAYCHECK_PUB). A ticket to UWSS Reconciliation Team may be created to request a full reconciliation.
    • Reporting Tools > Query > Query Viewer > Search for "UW_BN_REVIEW_PAYCHCK_PUB"
1.  Navigate to: Benefits > Benefits Billing > Manage Acct Status and Balance > Enroll in Billing enter the EMPLID and search.
2. If enrolling for the first time, click the look-up icon for the Plan Type and select the plan the employee should be enrolled in (i.e. State Group Health is Plan Type 10). Use the Benefits Billing Eligible Plans chart for help
Note: The effective date will default to today's date. This will tell you that the employee has never previously been enrolled in Benefits Billing.
If the employee has previous enrollments, find the plan type you want to enroll by searching across the top. Press the plus button "+" in the Billing Enrollment Details section to add a new row to the desired plan type.
Note:  Once the row is saved, you will not be able to edit or delete. The minus button "-" is how a benefit plan is removed on the initial set up for an incorrect benefit plan, before saving.
3. Leave the COBRA Event ID at "0".
4. Enter the Effective Date (mm/dd/yyyy).  The effective date should be the first of the month in which the deduction would take from payroll. (i.e. an employee will not be on the payroll for June 2020. The effective date for Benefits Billing will be 6/1/20 for June Deduction for June coverage).
5. Leave the Billing Status default of "Active".
6. Select the correct Billing Reason for why the employee is being set up in Benefits Billing. Use the Benefits Billing Reasons chart for help.
7. The Percent Calculation box should be unchecked.
8. The Flat Amount box should be checked.
  • Enter the employee share premium in the Flat Amount field. Or;

  • Enter the total share premium in the Flat Amount field.

9. If the benefit plan has an employer share, the Employer Amt box should be checked.

  • Enter the employer share premium in the Employer Amt field. Or;
  • Uncheck the Employer Amt box if the employee is being billed the total rate.

Note: Some benefit plans do not have an employer share therefore the Employer Amt box should not be checked.

Note: A new row will need to be added to update the flat amount fields for plans such as State Group Health and Income Continuation Insurance for employees on a LOA that goes past 3 months and the employee loses the Employer share premium.

Note: The flat amount will continue to be billed until a new row has been added to change the payment section or inactivate the enrollment.

10. Repeat the above steps to enroll the employee in any additional benefit plans that need Benefits Billing.

11. Click Save.

Best Practices

  • If the employee is on a LOA without pay and will be on LOA for more than 3 months, enter a new row after the initial enrollment row to change from to the total rate for the 4th month of LOA. This ensures the employee will be billed correctly from the initial set up.
Note: Follow the policy guidelines for C Basis Academic Staff relating to summer recess.
  • When setting up past billing periods, it is suggested to allow the system to create old charges during the monthly Benefits Billing processing. The system will create charges back to the last "inactive" billing period as necessary and will avoid creating inaccurate charges.
Note: You will want to verify the charges are correct on Monday during the monthly Benefits Billing process.
  • Once the enrollment is saved, and it's later deemed that the enrollment needs correction, you will have to submit a ticket to UWSS to make the update. (i.e. Enrollment initially set up effective 6/1/2020 and determined several months later that the enrollment should be 5/1/2020)

Instructions for Inactivating

1. Navigate to: Benefits > Benefits Billing > Manage Account and Balance > Enroll in Billing enter the EMPLID and search.

2. Search for the benefit plan needing to be inactivated and click the plus button "+" in the Deduction Calculation per Billing Period section.

3. Leave the COBRA Event ID default at "0".

4. Enter the Effective Date (mm/dd/yyyy). The effective date should be the first of the month after the last charge was paid in Benefits Billing. (i.e. the last billing period billed is 2006, the effective date would be 7/1/2020)

5. Change the Billing Status to "Inactive".

6. Leave the Billing Reason to what it was initially enrolled.

7. Uncheck the Flax Amount box and Employer Amt box. 

8. Click Save.

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Keywordsbenefits billing, personal payments, benefits billing enrollment, prepay, employer contributions, LOA, leave of absence, workers compensation, sick leave credits, premium waiver, layoff, military leave, University Insurance Association Life Insurance, UIA, Individual and Family Group Life Insurance, I&F, State Group Life Insurance, SGL, Income Continuation Insurance, ICI BN, Benefits BN, Benefits   Doc ID15270
OwnerChristina S.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2010-10-12 19:00:00Updated2024-08-01 13:06:35
SitesUW–Shared Services
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