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Using the Microsoft Steps Recorder
General overview and usage of the Steps Recorder program to better document issues for helpdeskProcess Considerations:
- This program is only available on Windows computers.
Running the program
- From your Start menu search for 'Steps Recorder'
- Click on 'Steps Recorder' and a small toolbar will appear
Recording steps
- Click on 'Start Record' and replicate your steps. (Be careful of accidentally capturing sensitive information)
- You have the option to Pause, Stop, and Add comments.
- Adding comments requires you capture a section of the screen you wish to comment on.
- When finished click 'Stop Record' and you will see the steps recorded.
Saving and sending steps
Once you are satisfied with the recording you can proceed with saving and sending.
- Click 'Save'
- You will be prompted to name a zipped folder.
- Leave the folder in a zipped state and you can send it however you want.