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Automated Performance Management Processes in HRS


This document will provide information about the automated Performance Management (ePerformance) processes.

Process Considerations:

  • All automated processes run daily
  • Some of the processes listed below are still being developed and are being manually performed by Service Operations HR/TAM/FI team until the automated process is implemented
  • Terms "Performance Management" and "ePerformance" are used interchangeably in HRS
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Cancel Active Documents for Terminated Employees

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since May 2021.

  • Active Document Definition: for this process, documents with a Document Status of Canceled, Completed or Pending Acknowledgement are NOT considered active documents
  • When: documents will be canceled 14 days after the Job Data Termination row Effective Date or Date Created (entry date), whichever is later
  • Exceptions: documents will NOT be canceled if one of the following scenarios are met
    • If a Rehire row with Reason: Rescind Termination exists on top of the Termination row with the same Effective Date
    • If a Rehire row with Reason: Terminated in Error exists on top of the Termination row with the same Effective Date
  • Best Practice: if manually canceling an active document for a terminated employee, please only cancel the document on or after the Effective Date of the Termination
    • Expectations on number of goals, etc. required by an employee with a known future termination is determined by each institution and can vary
    • Since the employee is still active for a portion of the evaluation period, the document should remain open to allow the employee and manager to continue working on the document until the employee's last day of employment
    • Canceling before the Effective Date of the Termination will result in creation of a new document the next day by the automated Create Documents process listed below, since the employee is still technically active

Cancel Active Documents for Transferred Employees

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since May 2021.
  • Active Document Definition: for this process, documents with a Document Status of Canceled, Completed or Pending Acknowledgement are NOT considered active documents
  • When: documents will be canceled 14 days after the Job Data Transfer row Effective Date or Date Created (entry date), whichever is later
  • Exceptions: documents will NOT be canceled if one of the following scenarios are met
    • If Transfer row Reason: Blue-Collar Multi Shift
    • If Transfer row Reason: Voluntary Reassignment AS/LI
    • If the transfer is canceled: there are rows on top of the Transfer row with the same Effective Date as the Transfer for Termination - Cancelled and Rehire - Terminated in Error and the Position Number of the Rehire row matches the Position Number of the row immediately before the Transfer row
  • Best Practice: if the Transfer does not fit the exception criteria above, do not transfer the existing document to the new manager; the automated process will still cancel the document if you do
    • The employee's new position typically comes with new responsibilities and new goals, and depending on the institution, a different template
    • For transfers, it is recommended to let the automated Cancel and Create processes perform the document maintenance to ensure the correct template is used and avoid multiple documents being created
  • Additional Notes:
    • Once an employee's new position goes into effect, the Job Title displayed on the canceled document will be for the new job if the canceled document uses the same Document Type and evaluation Period End Date as the new document 
    • For simple Reports To updates on Job Data, it is recommended/encouraged to transfer the existing document to the new manager rather than canceling and creating new; see Managing Performance Management Documents (HR Admin) in HRS

Completed Documents to Personnel File

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since December 2019.

  • What: a copy of the completed document's Manager Evaluation will be pushed as a pdf document to the employee's Personnel File (PFile)
    • Section titles may differ; PFile version displays tab names, Print version displays section names used by the system
    • The Last Notified Date and Last Completed Date field names on the Mandatory Training tab are Measurement and End Date on the Print version
    • The document pushed to PFile will include all pdf attachments uploaded to the ePerformance document by the employee (Self Evaluation) and manager (Manager Evaluation)
    • The document pushed to PFile is similar to the document generated by the Print hyperlink within the document's Manager Evaluation; there will be slight differences between the PFile and Print versions, for example:
  • When: the day after the document is marked Complete

Canceled Documents with Content to Personnel File

This automated process is in development.

  • What: for documents that have content, the manager's view of the document will be pushed to PFile. This will be a snapshot of the open step at the time of cancellation.
    • The document that is sent to PFile is similar to the document generated by the Print hyperlink within the last open step in the document, from the manager perspective
    • There will be slight differences between the PFile and Print versions, for example:
      • Section titles may differ; PFile version displays tab names, Print version displays section names used by the system
      • The Last Notified Date and Last Completed Date field names on the Mandatory Training tab are Measurement and End Date on the Print version
  • Content Definition: a document is considered to have content if any of the following actions were taken by the employee, manager or someone on behalf of the manager:
    • Performance Criteria added/updated/deleted and saved (e.g., goals)
    • Comments added and saved
    • Ratings added and saved
    • Attachments added and saved
    • Document was progressed to the next step (e.g., manager selects Approve button at Define Criteria to move to Checkpoint)
  • When: 14 days after the document is canceled

Delete Canceled Documents Without Content

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since May 2021.

  • Content Definition: a document is considered to have content if any of the following actions were taken by the employee, manager or someone on behalf of the manager:
    • Performance Criteria added/updated/deleted and saved (e.g., goals)
    • Comments added and saved
    • Ratings added and saved
    • Attachments added and saved
    • Document was progressed to the next step (e.g., manager selects Approve button at Define Criteria to move to Checkpoint)
  • When: 14 days after the document is canceled
    • A delete is permanent; it cannot be undone

Create Performance Documents

This automated process is in development. The Service Operations HR/TAM/FI team is manually performing this process weekly until the automated process is implemented.

Note: Performance Documents are intended for an employee's annual evaluation, not for probation evaluation.

  • Who: documents are only mass created for employees if they
    • Group IDs are based on specific combinations of job attributes (e.g., Empl Class, Pay Group, Job Code, Dept ID, Business Unit, etc.)
    • Groupings cannot have overlaps (an employee cannot fit two different group criteria)
    • A document will not be created if the Reports To is blank or a vacant position
    • The employee has an active appointment; is not terminated
    • The employee is not on unpaid Leave of Absence (LOA); a document will not be created until the Effective Date of the employee's return to Active or Leave With Pay status
    • Fit a specific Group ID criteria
    • Have a valid Reports To
    • Are HR Status: Active
    • Are Payroll Status: Active or Leave With Pay
    • Do not already have an active or completed document using the same Document Type and evaluation Period Begin/End Date combination
  • When: the mass document creation process runs daily in the morning
    • When to start and stop creating documents for each evaluation period and template combination will vary by institution
  • Additional Notes: the mass creation process using Group ID cannot exclude new hires if they fit a Group ID criteria
    • Performance Documents should not be manually canceled for new hires, as the automated document creation process will create a new document the next day
    • Each institution is responsible for establishing expectations for their employees and managers regarding how Performance Documents should be completed for new hires (e.g., how many goals to enter, what is appropriate rating, etc.)

Create Development Documents

This automated process is in development. The Service Operations HR/TAM/FI team is manually performing this process weekly until the automated process is implemented.

Note: Development Documents are intended for an employee's probation evaluation, not for the annual evaluation. Development Documents are not currently used by each ePerformance using institution.

  • Who: documents are only mass created for employees if they
    • A document will not be created if the Reports To is blank or a vacant position
    • The employee is not on unpaid Leave of Absence (LOA); a document will not be created until the Effective Date of the employee's return to Active or Leave With Pay status
    • Have specific combinations of job attributes (e.g., Empl Class, Pay Group, Job Code, Dept ID, Business Unit, etc.)
    • Have a valid Reports To
    • Are Payroll Status: Active or Leave With Pay
    • Have a Job Data row with Action: Hire, Rehire or Transfer with Reason: Original/New Hire% or Promotion
    • Do not already have an active or completed document using the same Document Type and evaluation Period Begin/End Date combination
  • When: the mass document creation process runs daily in the morning

Update Mandatory Training in Document

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since December 2019.

  • What: the Last Notified Date and Last Completed Date are updated on the Mandatory Training tab for the current open step of the document
    • Dates displayed are from the Administer Training module in HRS
    • The dates on the ePerformance document cannot be manually updated
  • When: daily in the morning

Due Date Reminder Emails

This automated process has been running daily in HRS since December 2019.

  • What: reminder email notifications sent to employees and managers when a step due date is approaching
  • When: 30, 15 and/or 7 days before the step due date, unless the step has already been completed
  • Additional Notes: for additional information, see Automatic Performance Management Email Notifications in HRS

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Keywordseperformance cancel delete personnel file pfile create document email mandatory training   Doc ID105730
OwnerJessica R.GroupUW–Shared Services
Created2020-09-10 09:18:14Updated2024-05-14 10:47:02
SitesUW–Shared Services
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